Page:Lives of the presidents in words of one syllable (1903).djvu/85

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The next man to take the chair was Frank-lin Pierce, who was sworn in as Pres-i-dent in 1853. He was born in Hills-bor-ough, New Hamp-shire in 1804. His fa-ther, Ben-ja-min Pierce, on the day of the fight at Lex-ing-ton, took his first step to join the troops. He staid and fought with them till the Rev-o-lu-tion-a-ry War came to an end. He rose high and was, in time, a Gen-er-al.

When the boy Frank-lin was quite young his fa-ther saw in him a love for books. This he made sure should have all the help he could give. He did not stint the sums spent for this cause, but sent his son to the best schools. In 1820 the lad went to Bow-doin Col-lege, at Bruns-wick, Maine. When his time was out he stood third in his class.