Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/130

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BARKER 114 BARLOW Barker (M. H.) — Coiitiiiiicd. Hf. mor., g.t., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (523) £12s. Old Sailor's Jolly Boat. Lond., 1S44. Plates by G. and R. Cruik- shank. 8vo. Hf. cf.. Brewer, Oct., '87. (550) £1. Cf., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (81) £2 2s. Hf. cf. (a few plates spotted), Bate- man, May, '93. (49) £1. Cf., g.t., French. Apr., '01. (398) $18. Old Sailor's Jolly Boat. Lond.. Willoughby, n.d. Plates by G. and R. Cruikshank. 8vo. Hf. mor. ex., g.t., Shaw, Mar., '91. (212) ?12. Hf. mor. ex., g.t., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (524) £114s. Tough Yarns. Lond., 1835. Plates by Cruikshank. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., Johnson, Jan., '90. (339) $6.75. CI., unc, Williams, May, '93. (127) £1. CI., unc, Bruton, June, '97. (34) £1. BARKER (T.). Art of Angling. Lond., 1653. 4to. Cf., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (535) £4 1Cs. Mor., g.e. (text inlaid), Perkins, July, '89. (125) £3 17s. 6d. Hf. bd., unc, Reid, May, '94. (1372) £5 15s. Hf. cf., Alexander, Mar., '95. (293) $10.50. Mor. ex., g.t.. Snow, Nov.. '98. (287) £7 15s. Barker's Delight; or, Art of An- gling. Lond., 1057. Svo. Mor., g.e. (several headlines and a small portion of text cut into), Snow, Nov., 98. (38) £1 IGs. Barker's Delight: or, Art of An- gling. Lond., 1659. Svo. Mor., Perkins, July, '89. (126) £4 14s. Cf. (slightly wormed), Ashburnham, June, '97. (308) £5 17s. 6d. Hf. bd.. Soth.. Dec. 13. 1900. (1149) cs ins. Art of Angling. Lond., 1820. Svo.

    • On vellum.

Mor. ex., g.e., Davis, Nov., 1900. (16) £15 15s. Mor. ex., g.e. (the preceding copy). Soth.. Feb. 25. '01. (204) £5 10s. Barker (T.) — C'liithnied. Countryman's Recreation. Lond., 1654. 4to. Rus., Perkins, July, '89. (489) £2 4s. Cf., Auckland, Nov., '97. (581*) £6. (With The Art of Angling, 1653), Snow, Nov., '98. (298) £10 15s. BARKSDALE (C). Nympha Libe- thris. Lond., 1651. Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., June 27, '92. (47) £8 10s. BARKSHIRE (EARL OF). See Guiana. BARKSTEAD (JOHN). Discourses and Prayers of Col. John Barkstead, etc. Lond., 1662. 4to. Hf. of., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (739) £1 Is. BARL/EUS (C). Rerum per Octen- nivm in Brasilia. Amsterdam, 1647. Fol. Hf. mor., unc, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (169) $9.50. Cf., Barlow, Feb., '90. (173) $14. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (174) $7.50. BARLOW (F.). Diversae Avium Species. Lond., 1658. 4to. Young, Dec, '96. (90) £5 7s. 6d. Severall Wayes of Hunting, Hawk- ing ana Fishing. Lond., 1671. Fol. Cf. ex., g.e.. Snow, Nov., '98. (328) £7 10s. BARLOW (JOEL). The Columbiad. Phila., 1807. 4to. Cf., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (176) $6.50. Cf., Brinley, Nov., '86. (6786) $6.25. Mor. ex., g.e., Terry, Mar., '89. (89) $7. Mor. ex., g.e., Hunt, Nov., '91. (209) $7.50. Bds., unc. (presentation copy), Deane, Mar., '98. (192) $13. Cf. (worn), Anderson, Apr. 7, '02. (72) $7. Conspiracy of Kings. Newbury- port, Mass., 1794. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, McKee, Nov., 1900. (40) $5. Hasty Pudding. New Haven, 1796. Svo. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinlev, Nov.. '86. (6789) $17. Unbd.. Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (134) $15. Hasty Pudding. Brooklyn, 1833. 12mo.