Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/151

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BBECHER 135 BEHN BEECHER (H. W.)- Seven Lectures to Young Men. Indianapolis, 1844. 8vo. CI., McKee, Nov., 1900. (46) $10.50. BEECHER (LYMAN). Sermon con- taining a History of East Hampton. Sag Harbor, 1806. 8vo. Hf. mor., Murpiiy, Mar., '84. (204) $6.50. Sewed, Henkels, Dec. 13, "98. (38) $5.25. Hf. mor., unc. Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (125) $8. Hf. mor., g.t.. McKee, May. '02. (4458) $9.50. BEECHEY (F. W.). Voyage to the Pacific and Bearing Straits. Lond., 1831. 2 vols., 4to. Perkins, July, '89. (164) £119s. Hf. cf., Soth., Dec, '90. (102) £12s. BEEDOME (THOMAS). Poems Di- vine and Humane. Lond., 1641. IGmo. Cf. ex., Galsford, Apr., '90. (155) £4. Vel., r.e. (date on title cut into, one or two other leaves cut into at side), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (54) $7. BEE HIVE OF THE ROMISHE Church. Trans, by G. Gilpin. Lond., 1579. 8vo. Cf., Wallis, Nov., '87. (92) £2 12s. Bee Hive of the Romishe Church. Lond., 1580. 12mo. Mor. ex., Ellis, Nov., '85. (510) £4 10s. Rus., g.e., (lacking folding plates and text cut into), Soth., June 27. "92. (63) £3. Mor., g.e., Bunbury, July. '96. (38) £7 10s. Bee Hive of the Romish Church. Lond., 1636. 8vo. Cf., Burra, May, '97. (56) £1 Is. BEESLEY (A.). History of Banbury. Banbury, 1841. 8vo. Hf. mor.. Hirst, Dec, '87. (99) £1 4s. CI., unc, Halliwell, July, '89. (19) £1 2s. Hf. cf., Brabourne, May, '91. (355) £18s. Hf., cf.. Cooper, Oct.. '91. (776) £1 3s. Hf. cf.. Bucklev. Feb.. '93. (122) £1 13s. BEEVERELL (J.). Delices de la Grande-Bretagne et de I'Irelande. Leyden, 1707. 8 vols., Svo. Beeverell (J.) — Cuiitiiiuei]. Cf., Stibbs, Oct.. '92. (1789) £17,^. Mor. ex., g.e. (in 4 vols.), Larpent, Jan., '95. (759) £4 15s. Cf. (in 9 vols.), Coghlan, Dec, '96. (762) £115s. Delices de la Grand Bretagne et de I'Irelande. Leyden, 1727. S vols.. Svo. Cf., Elsted, Dec, '92. (12) £110s. Cf., Putt., Dec 7, '92. (48) £1. Cf., Buckley, Feb., '93. (125) £llls. Cf., g.e. (Utterson copy), Crawford. July, '96. (74) £2. Cf., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (748) £2. BEGERT (J.). Nachrichten von der Americanischen Halbinsel Califor- nien. Manheim, 1772. 12mo. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (449) $13. BEGGAR'S APE. Lond., [1627]. 4to. Mor., g.e. (imprint cut into), Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1322) £2 2s. Cf. (text cut into), Soth., June 27. '92. (64) £117s. BEGINNING, PROGRESS AND CON- clusion of the late War. Lond.. for J. Almon, 1770. 4to. I'nc, Putt., Dec. 11, '99. I95l £2 7s. 6d. BEHAM (H. S.). Biblisch Historlen. Franlcfort, 1533. 4to. (Small hole in title), Craig, Mar., '88. (469) £10. Mor., g.e., Soth., Feb. 2, '98. (106) £14. Vel. (with Typi in Apocalypsi Joannis depicti H. S. Beham), Putt., Apr. 12, '89. (27) £15 as. Biblicae Historias. Frankfort. 1539. 4to. Mor. ex., g.e. (interleaved). Craig, Mar., '88. (470) £6 5s. Mor. ex., g.e. (Craig copv), Leighfon, July, '98. (139) £7. BEHMEN (JACOB). Works, with Life, by Rev. V. Law. Lond., 1764- 81. 4 vols., 4to. Cf., Coleridge, May, '96. (238) £7 15s. Cf., Putt., June 22, '96. (805) £C6s. Hf. cf. (broken), Soth., July 19, '97. (906) £5. Hf. cf., Libbie, Dec. 4, 1900. (91) $22. Cf., Hodgson. Dec. 4. '01. (166) £9. Hf. rus., Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (160) £7. BEHN (MRS. APHRA). A Congratu- latory Poem to Her Sacred Majesty Queen Mary. Lond., 1689. Fol.