Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/191

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BIBLE 175 BIBLE Bible in German — Continued. Bds. (title mounted, first few leaves stained), Livermore, Nov., '94. (232) $75. Cf., Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1387) $51. Cf. (back broken, first 10 leaves water-stained), Slee, Feb., 1900. (332« $40. Bds. (binding broken, clasp missing and title mended), McKee, May, '02. (4713) $40. Leather, brass corners, bosses, and clasps, Appleton, Apr., '03. (35) $80. Biblia. Germantown, Sauer, 1763. 4to. Cf. (stained), Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (13S8) $10. Leather, Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (51) $5.50. Leather, McKee, May, '02. (4715) $17. Biblia. Germantown, Sauer, 1776. 4to. Cf., Brinley, Apr., '81. (5800) $25. Cf., Henkels, Apr., '91. (801) $6. Cf., Livermore, Nov., '94. (244) $7.50. Cf., Henkels, Oct. 19, '98. (1390) $16. Cf. (broken), Henkels, Apr. 19, '99. (591) $5.50. Cf., Donaldson, Oct., '99. (862) $11. Cf., McKee, May, '02. (4716) $18. Biblia. Somerset, [Pa.], 1813. 4 to. Sheep, Henkels, Mav 27, '03. (367) $10.50. BIBLE IN GREEK. Sacrae Scrip- turae Veteris Novseque Omnia. Ven- ice, Aldus, 1518. Fol. Cf. (in 2 vols.), Sunderland, Dec, '81. (1325) £64. Mor., Crawford, June, '87. (401) £20. Cf. (title and first leaf in manuscript), Livermore, Nov., '94. (123) $30. Pigskin, Coleridge, May, '96. (314) £5. Mor. ex., by Derome le Jeune, with his ticket. Baring, Nov., '97. (226) £40 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (210) £35 10s. Mor. ex., g.e., by Bozerian le Jeune, Peel, June, 1900. (202) £38. Mor. ex., g.e., by De Coverly (title mended, some leaves wormed), White, Apr., '02. (152) £36. Hf. rus. (slightly wormed and stain- ed) , Soth., Nov. 13, '02. (57) £ 28 10s. Bible in Greek — Continued. Mor., Bangs, Nov. 20, '02. (26) $115. ■** Large paper. Mor. ex. (title inlaid), Thorold, Dec, '84. (281) £51. Mor. ex., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (324) £53. Divinae Scripturae, Veteris ac Novi Testamenti. Basle, J. Hervagium, 1545. Fol. Mor. ex., g.e., Thomond, May, '87. (1034) £13s. Cf., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (175) £110s. Bibliorum pars Graeca, quae Hebraice non invenitur Graca. Antwerp, C. Plantin, 1584. 4to. Mor. g.e. (De Thou copy), Gennadius, Mar., '95. (422) £4 17s. 6d. Biblia Graeca, Vetus Testamen- tum, and Codex Alexandrinus. 1816-28. 4 vols, in 6. Novum Testamentum Grspcum, and Codex Alexandrinus, 1786, 1 vol. Together 7 vols.

    • On vellum.

Mor. ex., Thorold, Dec, '84. (283) £70. Mor. ex., g.e., Soth., July 3, '99. (8) £56. BIBLE IN HEBREW. Prophetiae Priores et Posteriores Hebraic^. [Naples, 1485-87.] 2 vols., fol. Cf. (Sussex copy), Crawford, Mar., '91. (322) £10 10s. Mor. ex., g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (148) £14 15s. Prophetiae Priores et Posteriores Hebraice, Brescia, 1494. Svo. Pigskin (some leaves in manuscript), Makellar, Nov., '98. (221) £2 14s. BIBLE IN ICELANDIC. Biblia thad er 611 Heilog Ritning utlogd a Nor- reenu. Holum, 1584. 3 vols, in 1, fol. Rus. (several leaves mended), Soth., Jan. 15, '90. (96) £3 16s. Pigskin (first title and about 30 leaves mended). Putt., Mar. 11, '95. (615) £5 10s. Leather, Dasent, Apr., '95. (214) £9. Cf. (title inlaid, several leaves mend- ed). Putt., May 24, '98. (939) £7 5s. Cf. (title and several leaves mended), Morris, Dec, '98. (185) £7 15s. Cf., Soth., Apr. 7, '02. (16) £10. Mor., g.e. (first title and 2 leaves