Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/47

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AI>LEN 31 ALLEN Allen (Charles Dexter) — Cuiitiiiiieil. Paper, Bangs, Mar. IS, '95. (283) $15 Paper, Bangs. Maj- 18, '96. (200) $17 Paper, Sewall, Nov. '96. (1561) $10.50 Paper, Rlker, Dec. 7, '96. (425) $8.50. Paper, Bangs, Jan. 14, '97. (312) $9 Paper, Matthews, Feb., '97. (319) $5 Paper, Bangs, Mar. 26, '97. (115) $10 Paper, Bangs, Nov. 29, '97. (238) $6 Paper, Bangs, Mar. 31, '98. (248) $6 Paper, Bangs, May 9, '98. (108) $5 Paper, Libbie, Nov. 29, '98. (246) $6 Paper, French, Apr., '01. (654) $18 American Book-Plates. N. Y., 1894. Svo.

    • Hand made paper.

CI., Bangs, Mar. 31, '98. (Ill) $6. CI., Bangs, May 9, '98. (64) $6.50. CI., Pratt, Apr., '99. (27) $6.50. CL, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (8) $5.50. CI., Bangs, Feb. 16, '98. (194) $10.

    • Japan paper.

Paper, Libbie, Sept. 25, '95. (106) $7.50. Paper, Adee, Nov., '95. (10) $19. Paper, Soth., Dec. 11, '95. (49) £2 12s. Paper, Bangs, Mar. 26, '97. (3) $13. Paper, Bangs, Feb. 16, '98. (195) $19. Paper, Bangs, May 9, '98. (99) $9. Paper, Pratt, Apr., '99. (26) $11.50. Paper, Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (39) $15. Paper, Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (8) $10.25. Paper, Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (79) $17. Paper, French, Apr., '01. (115) $21. Ex Libris. Bost., 1896. 12mo. CI., Bangs, Jan.. 15, 1900. (36) $5.50. '"'"Large paper. Vel., Bangs, Nov. 10, '99. (38) $6. Vel., French, Apr., '01. (116) $10. ALLEN (ETHAN). Animadversory Address to the Inhabitants of the State of Vermont. Hartford, 1778. Svo. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2511) $26. Unbd. (Josiah Bartlett's copy, with autograph), TJbbie, Mav 19, '03. (lOOS) $55. Brief Narrative of the Proceed- ings of the Government of New York, Relative to the Boundary Line of Connecticut. Hartford, Eben Watson, [1774]. Svo. Mor.. g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2510) $65. Cf., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '80. (2622) $65. Unbd., Miller & Bancker. Dec, '98. (10) $64. Allen (Ethan) — Continued. Unbd. (Josiah Bartlett's copy, with autograph). Libbie, May 19, '03. (1007) $120. Narrative of Captivity. Phila.. Bell, 1779. Svo. Mor., g.e., Fisher, Mar., '66. (30) $54. Mor. g.e. (Fisher copy), Menzies, Nov., '76. (29) $62. Narrative of Captivity. Phila., Mantz. 1779. 12mo. Hf. mor., unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (43) $37. Narrative of Captivity. Bost., Draper & Folsom, 1779. Svo. Mor., Rice, Mar., '70. (23) $26. Mor., unc. (some words in facs. on p. 6, and several lacking on p. 5), Brinley, Mar., '79. (2529) $22.50. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2530) $20. Paper (last 3 leaves imperfect), Clogston, Nov., '99. (17) $9.50. Narrative of Captivity. Newbury, Mycall, 1780. 12mo. Cf. unc. (part of last leaf in facs.), Brinley, Mar., '79. (2532) $9.25. Sewed, unc, Libbie, Jan. 2, '89. (31) $5. Mor., Deane, Mar., '98. (49) $10. Hf. mor., unc, Manson, Feb., '99. (44) $11.50. Narrative of Captivity. Walpole, N. H., 1807. Svo. Cf., g.e.. Rice, Mar., '70. (24) $8. Hf. cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (42) $5.50. Cf., Stevens, July, 'S6. (6) £2 4s. Cf., g.e.. Barlow. Feb., '90. (48) $19. Bds.. Sherman. Jan.. '98. (14) $5.25. Narrative of Captivity. Albany, 1814. 12mo. Cf., unc, Rice, Mar.. '70. (25) $0. Present State of the Controversy between the States of New-York, New Hampshire and Vermont. Hart- ford, 1782. Svo. Mor., unc, Brinlev. Mar., '79. (2516) $49. Reason the only Oracle of Man. Bennington, 1784. Svo. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (2535) $15. Sheep, Brinley, Mar., '79. (2536) $8. Cf., Murphy, Mar., '84. (41) $6.50. Cf., Libbie, Nov. 6, '95. (20) $20. Mor., unc. (lacking half title), Manson, Feb., '99. (51) $28.