Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 1.djvu/85

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ARCHITECT 69 ARETINO ARCHITECT (THE). Lond.. v.d. Fol. Jan., 1S69, to May, 18S7, hf. cf. and parts, Watson, .Tan., '88. (612) £8 10s. ARCHITECTURAL PUBLICATION Soc. Dictionary of Architecture. Lond., 1853-92. 8 vols., fol. Hf. mor. and parts (in 5 vols), Hast- ings, May, 93. (22) £11. Hf. cf. (in 6 vols.), Christie, Jan. 30, '94. (124) £13 5s. Hf. cf. and paper (in 6 vols., with " De- tached Essays " and " Illustrations," 1848-52), Soth.. Feb. 15, 1900. (535) £11 5s. Hf. mor. (In 5 vols., with " Detached Essays " and " Illustrations," Vol. 1), Soth., Dec. 11. '01. (87) £9 10s. Reports and Papers. Lond., v.d. 8vo. Vols. 1-20, 1850-90, and Index, hf. mor. and parts, Grange, Mar., '92. (7) £ 5 5s. ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. N. Y., v.d. 7 vols., 8vo. Vols. 1-6, and 3 Nos. of Vol. 7, 1891-98, hf. rus. and parts. Bangs, Dec. 5, '99. (46) $10.50. ARCTURUS: Journal of Books and Opinion. [Edited by C. Mathews and E. A. Duyckinck.] N. Y., 1840- 42. 3 vols., 8vo. Hf. bd. (presentation copy), McKee, Nov., 1900. (950) $12.75. ARCUSSIA (C. d'). La Fauconnerie. Rouen, 1644. 4to. Cf.. Putt., .Tune 4. '02. (521) £3 15s. ARDEN OF FEVERSHAM. Lamenta- ble and True Tragedy of Master Arden of Faversham in Kent. Lond., E. Allde, 1633. 4to. Mor., Soth., July 3, '99. (162G) £52. Unbd., Darby. June. '04. (162) £53. Arden of Feversham. Reprinted from the edition of 1592, by A. H. Bullen. Lond., 1887. 4to.

    • On Vellum.

Orig. sheets. Putt., Apr. 12. '89. (13) £2 4s. Orig. sheets. Putt.. Julv 3. '89. (528) £2 5s. ARENAS (P.). Vocabulario Manual de las Lenguas Castellana y Mexi- cana. Mexico, [1611]. 4to. Field, May, '75. (55) $35. Arenas (P.) — Cdiitiiiiicil. Vel., Murphy, Mar., 'S4. (105) $23. Vocabulario. Mexico, 1728. 12mo. Field, May, '75. (56) $13.50. Mor., y.e., Boban, Dec, '86 (1958) $5.50. Vel.. Putt.. Apr. 12, '89. (14) £1 16s. Vocabulario. Mexico, 1793. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (lacking pp. 139-142), Brin- ley, Apr., '81. (5766) $35. Mor., g.e. (Brinlev copy), Dorman, Apr., '86. (925) $20. Vocabulario. Pueblo, 1831. 16mo. Hf. mor., Brinlev, Apr., '81. (5767) $24. Hf. mor. (Brinley copy), Dorman, Apr., '86. (926) $16. Hf. mor. (Brinley-Dorman copy), Hawkins, Mar., '87. (44) $5.25. ARETINO (LEONARDUS). De Bello Italico Adversus Gothos Libellus. Foligno, Numeister and Orsini, 1470. Fol. Cf., Thorold, Dec, '84. (150) £22. Mor. g.e., Selliere, Feb., '87. (56) £22 10s. Cf.. Soth., Apr. 4, '98. (3GS) £20 10s. Rus. (slightly wormed), Fountaine, June, '02. (27) £17 10s. Mor., g.e. (with Justinian's Oratorio Habita Apud Sixtum TV., Rome, 1471, in 1 vol.), Crawford, Mar., '91. (155) £30. De Bello Italico Adversus Gothos Libellus. Venice. Jenson, 1 471. Sm. fol. Mor.. g.e. (Wodhull copy). White, Apr.. '02. (60) £16. Historia Fiorentino. Venice, Rossi, 1476. Fol. Bds., Perkins, July, '89. (78) £1 Is. Mor., g.e.. Soth., July 18, '95. (10) £1 16s.

    • On Vellum.

Leather, Morris, Dec, '98. (132) £6. Hf. bd., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (46) £2 6s. Mor., g.e., Ashburnham, June, '97. (124) £74. Historie Concerning the Warres Betweene the Imperialles and the Gothes. Trans, by Arthur Golding. Lond.. 1563. 8vo. Mor.. ex.. g.e.. Ashburnham, June, '97. (126) £4 18s. Libro Intitulato Aquila. Naples, 1492. Fol. Cf. (slightly stained), Morris, Dec, '98. (133) £28.