Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 2.djvu/155

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FISHER 147 FISHER FISHER (F.). Tombs, Monuments and Sepulchral Inscriptions, in St. Paul's Cathedral, 1666. Lond., 1885. 4to. Hf. bd., Howard, June, '02. (507) £1 2s. FISHER (GEORGE). The American Instructor. Phila., B. Franklin, IT-IS. 12nio. Old cf., Brinley, Mar.. 'SO. (4323) $7.50. Old ct. (6 plates), Washington, Dec, '90. (551) $19. Sheep, Livermore. Nov., '94. (1296) $10. Cf. g.e., Weeks, Mar. 19, '02. (831) $18. FISHER (JASPER), Fuimus Trees. The True Trojanes Lend., 1633. 4to. Hf. mor., r.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (579) $5. FISHER (BISHOP JOHN). De Causa Matrimonii Regis Anglias liber. Alcala, 1530. 4to. Old cf. (with Vitse Sanctorum per J. Maldonatum. Bruges, 1531, in 1 vol.). Putt., Feb. 1, 1900. (432) £8. Assertationis Lutheranae Confu- tatio. N.p., 1523. 4to. Oak bds. (arms of Henry VIII), Phil- lips, Nov., '87. (1856) £17s. De Verltate Corporis et Sanguinis Christi in Eucharistia adversus Jo- hanuem Oilcolampadium. Cologne, 1527. 4to. Pigskin, with clasps, Soth., Dec, 1900. (658) £2 8s. Mornynge Remembraunce. Lond., Wynkyn de Worde, [1509.] 4to. Mor. (woodcut inlaid), Tite, Mav, '74. (1158) £16 10s. Mor. (stained), Hardwicke, June, '88. (64) £17 17s. Mor., Ward, Jan., '90. (217) £15. On the Seven Penytencyall Psalmes. Lond., T. Marshe, 1555. 8vo. How, Mar., '90. (476) £114s. Practical Discourse on Private Praver. Lond., 1719. 12mo. Mor., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (723) £2 12s. Mor., g.e., Toovey, Feb., '94. (1109) £19s. Fisher (Bishop John) — Continued. Sermon Against Martin Luther. Lond.. Wynkyn de Worde, 1521. 4to. Mor., g.e. (lacking last leaf), Bateman, May, '93. (753) £4. Sermon at Paull's, concerning cer> taiyne Heretickes. Lond., [1525.] 4 to. Mor., g.e., Bateman, May, '93. (754) £3. Sermon on Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby. Edited by T. Baker. Lond., 1708. 4to. Old cf. (editor's copy, with notes), Waller, Dec, 1900. (86) £2 4s. Sermon at the Funeral of Henry VII. Lond., Wynkyn de Worde, 1509. 4to. Mor. (five letters in imprint in facs.), Russell, June, '85. (433) £18. Mor., g.e. (with Mornynge Remem- braunce of Margarete Countess of Rychmonde and Darby, 1509), Bate- man, May, '93. (752) £12 10s. Treatyse Concerninge the Fruyt- ful Saynges of David, the Kinge. Lond., Wynkyn de Worde, 1509. 4to. Mor. (small hole in title mended, last leaf pierced, one leaf inlaid), Cor- ser, July, '70. (183) £22 10s. Mor., Smets, May, '68. (2269) $130. Mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '75. (778) $300. Mor., g.e., Perkins, July, '89. (791) £28. Mor., g.e. (Menzies copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (345) $200. Treatise concernynge the fruyt- full sayings of Davyde, the Kynge. Lond., R. Pynson, 1510. Mor., g.e. (titles in facs., stained), Har- tree, July, '90. (1161) £8. Treatyse concernynge the fruyt full sayings of David the Kynge. Lond., T. Marshe, 1555. 8vo. Cf., Putt., Dec, '88. (830) £317s. 6d Cf. (title defective, K 8 in facs.), Putt. Apr., '91. (Ill) £16s. Cf., Ditchfield, Apr., '93. (579) £13s. Two Fruitfull Sermons. Lond., Rastell, 1532. 4to. Mor., Bateman, May, '93. (772) $6. Mor. (small part of border in facs.) Putt, July 5, 'OL (239) £12.