Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 2.djvu/253

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GOSDEN 245 GOSSE Gosden (Thomas) — Continued. Cf. (Gosden's own copy), Ellis, Oct., '02. (1150) £11 15s. GOSPEL MUSIC. See Holme (N.). GOSPEL ORDER REVIVED; AN Answer to Rev. Mr. Increase Ma- ther's The Order of the Gospel, etc. [N. Y., Bradford], 1700. 4to. Cf., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (S17) $57. Hf. mor., unc, Brinlev, Mar., '79. (773) $25. Mor., g.t., unc, Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (3398) $45. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Nov., '86. (7548) $31. Cf., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (1032) $95. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (Brinley copy), Ives, Mar., '91. (674) $80. Unbd., unc. (leaf of " Advertisement " lacking), Livermore, Nov., '94. (1335) $60. Cf., unc. ("Advertisement" and last leaf in facs.), Deane, Mar., '98. (2341) $11. Hf. mor., unc. (leaf of advertisement in facs., autograph of William Smith on title). Hurst, Dec, '04. (1551) $65. GOSPELS ACCORDING TO ST. MAT- thew, St. Mark, and St. Luke: trans- lated into the Language of the Es- quimaux Indians. Lond., 1813. 12mo. Brinley, Apr., '81. (5041) $5.25. GOSPELS OF THE FLOWER EVAN- gelists. Translated into the Vulgare Toung of the Saxons. Lond., J. Daye, 1571. 4to. Old cf. (title written on), Sunderland, Mar., '83. (12292) £34 10s. Orig. vel., Addington, May, '86. (231) £26. Cf. (Bering copy), Crawford, June, '87. (302) £11 10s. Cf. (margin of title torn). Putt., Dec. 17, '89. (215) £7 15s. Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (314) $110. Mor., g.e., Hazlitt, Nov., '93. (193) £20. Old cf. (arms of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, on sides), Buckley, Apr., '94. (1690) £14 5s. Old cf., Stuart, Mar., '95. (94) £16. Mor., Putt., Apr. 8, '97. (565) £13. Old cf., Ashburnham, May, '98. (3702) £13. Rus., g.e. (lacking the dedication to Q. Elizabeth; autograph of Sir Gospels of the Flower — Confhnicd. Henry Spelman on title), Wilbra- ham, June, '9S. (169) £10. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (3041) £5 15s. Cf. (presentation copy from Matthew Parker to John Foxe, with auto- graph inscription by Foxe on title), Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (505) £14 5s. Mor., g.e., Christie, June 18, '02. (442) £12 5s. GOSPEL-TIMES, OR OATHS FOR- bidden under the Gospel. Phila., 1712. 4to. Sewed, Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (30a) $24. GOSS (ELBRIDGE H.). Life of Col- onel Paul Revere. Bost., 1891. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., Libbie, Mar. 5, '01. (957) $5.60. CI., Balcom, Feb., '01. (2061) $8. CI., Bangs, Nov. 18, '01. (347) $6.50.

    • Large paper.

CI., Libbie, Jan. 5, '97. (716) $8.50. CI., Libbie, Apr., 27, '97. (433) $10.50. CI., Thayer, Feb., '98. (1039) $6. CI., unc, May, Jan., '03. (1323) $15.25. GOSSE (EDMUND). Catalogue of a Portion of the Library of Edmund Gosse. By R. J. Lister. Lond., 1893. 4to. CI. (soiled), Bangs, Apr., 15, '96. (199) $19. CI., Putt, Nov. 9, '96. (430) £2 12s. CI. (A.L.S. of Gosse inserted). Bier- stadt, Apr., '97. (859) $50. CI., Soth., Feb. 28, 1900. (1223) £4 15s. CI., Anderson, June, 12, 1900. (140) $31.50. CI., Soth., Dec. 3, 1900. (1276) £4 10s. CI., Arnold, May, '01. (145) $39. CI., Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (323) $36. CI., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (97) $37.50. CI., Soth., June 10, '03. (270) £6 6s. Madrigals, Songs, and Sonnets. Lond., 1870. Svo. CI., Soth., July 28, '99. (441) £2. CI. (presentation copy to Mrs. W. B. Scott), French, Apr., '01. (616) $9. CI., unc, Peirce, May, '03. (186) $12.25. Memoir of Thomas Lodge. Pri- vately printed, 1882. 4to. CI., Cosens, Nov., '90. (2111) £2 4s.