Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 2.djvu/288

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HABINGTON 280 HADLEY Habington (W.). — Continued. Mot., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (3G7) £5. Mor„ g.e.. Letferts. Apr., '02. (GS9) $50. Queen of Arragon. Lond., 1640. Fol. Hf. mor., Hayes, Apr., '98. (G85) $11.50. Hf. cf.. line, McKee, Apr., '01. (2399) $45. Hf. mor., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (G92) $21. HACHARD (MARIE M.). Relation du Voyage lies Dames Religieuse.s Ursu- lines de Rouen, a la Nouvelle Or- leans. Rouen, 1728. Svo. Mor. (mounted on 4to sheets). Barlow, Feb., '90. (10G5) $30. HACKNEY. Wills connected with Hackney. Transcripts, with Index. Lond., n.d. Fol. Hf. mor., g.t, Howard, June, '02. (571) £5 5s. HACO (DION). J. Wilkes Booth, the Assassinator of President Lincoln. N. Y., 1SG5. 12mo. Paper. Bangs, Nov. 12, 1900. (359) $5,511. HADDINGTON (EARL OF). Poems on Several Occasions. Lond., 1756. Svo. Cf., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (G6G) £5 5s. Poems on Several Occasions. Lond., 1765. Svo. Mor., g.e., Craig, June, '87. (1159) £14. Forty Select Poems. Lond, 1769. 2 vols., 8vo. Cf., Turner, June, '88. (1339) £112s. Mor., g.e., Fraser, Apr., '01. (778) £4 6s. Cf. (in 1 vol.), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (3G6) £2 13s. Select Poems on several occasions. Lond., 17S2. Svo. Mor., g.e. (interleaved; some leaves mended), Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (1079) £2 4s. Select Poems. Lond., 1824. Svo. Hf. cf., Bruce, Apr., '92. (147) £1 18s. Cf., g.e., Clarke, Mar., '99. (141) £2 Cs. HADDON (WALTER). Against J. Osorius, Byshopp of Silvane, and Haddon (Walter)— CojffiJiWFrf. his slaunderous Invectives. Lond., 1581. 4to. Cf., Buckley, Feb., '93. (1639) £lls. HADDON HALL LIBRARY. Edited bv the Marquess of Granby and G. A. B. Dewar. Lond., 1899-1901. 7 vols., Svo. Vel., Hodgson, Oct. 29, '01. (107) £8 17s. 6d. Vel., unc. (6 vols.), Soth., July 29, '01. (153) £4. HADEN (F. SEYMOUR). About Etch- ing. Lond., 1S79. 4to. Hf. mor., unc. Turner, Jan., 'SS. (14) £16s. Hf. mor.. Rose, June, '91. (908) £1. Cf., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (356) £1 17s. Hf. mor., unc, Henkels, May 16, 1900. (154) $1G. Hf. mor. (with A. L. S., and portrait inserted), Whiteford, Dec, '89. (846) £18s. Hf. mor., unc. (with 2 A. L. S. in- serted), Webster, Mar., '93. (233) £114s. Etched Work of Rembrandt criti- callv reconsidered. Lond., 1SS7. 4to. Craig. Mar., '88. (22G1) £115s. Etudes a I' Eau-Forte, avec Notice et Descriptions par P. Burty. Paris, 1866. Fol. Hf. mor.. unc, Christie, Julv 23, '89. (309) £23. In portfolio. Wills, July, '94. (898) £25. In portfolio, Hamerton, Nov., '95. (265) £30. Hf. mor., Bateman, July, '96. (1250) £30 10s. In portfolio, Soth., Apr. 30, 1900. (250) £40. In portfolio, Duke of Argyll, July, 1900. (385) £42. Hf. mor., Soth., Julv 21, '02. (490) £77. In portfolio (with manuscript altera- tions and an A. L. S. of the au- thor), Dasent, Apr., '95. (467) £28. HADFIELD (W.). Brazil, the River Platte and the Falkland Islands. Lond., 1854. Svo. Bonomi, Nov., '91. (560) £1 3s. 6d. HADLEY FAMILIES. See Boltwood (L. M.).