Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 2.djvu/33

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DISRAELI 25 DIXON Disraeli (Isaac) — ContinueiJ. Cf., Stonehouse, Mar., '92. (490) £lls. Cf., Childe, July, '96. (36) £1. Cf., Bangs. Dec. 7, '96. (292) ?6. Curiosities of Literature. Lond., 1S49. 3 vols., Svo. Cf., Christie. Mar. 2S, 'SS. (63) £110s. Cf., Lee, June, 'SS. (53) £113s. Percy, May, '90. (340) £1 4s. CI., unc, Crowther, Nov., '93. (1S2) £lls. Hf. mor., unc. Bangs, June 14, '97. (21S) $5.70. CI., unc, Rogers, Nov., '98. (141) $6. Curiosities of Literature. Camb.. Mass.. 1S64. 4 vols., Svo. Hf. mor., Adee, Nov., '95. (261) flS.50. Hf. mor., Probasco, Jan., '99. (491) $10. Hf. mor. (with "Amenities," 2 vols.), Livermore. Nov., '94. (IISS) $12. Hf. mor. (with "Amenities," 2 vols.). Bangs, Mar. 2, '96. (2S5i) $13.50. Hf. mor. (with "Amenities," 2 vols.), Richmond, Apr., '99. (2779) $15.75. Hf. mor. (with "Amenities," 2 vols.). Bangs. Jan. 22, '02. (121) $1S. Hf. mor. (with "Amenities," 2 vols.), Dayton, Mar., '02. (434) $16.50. Flim-Flams. Lond., 1S05. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. mor.. Amer. Art. Gall., Jan. IS, '97. (1227) $S.25. Hf. cf., Henkels. Jan. 31, '9S. (156) $7.50. Cf.. Bangs, Mar. 16, '99. (SI) $7.12. Cf., Libbie, Nov. 3, '99. (297) $5.25. Hf. of., g.t., Bangs, Nov. 20, "02. (3G3) $6.75. Flim-Flams. Lond.. 1S06. 3 vols., Svo. Hf. mor. (presentation copv), Day- ton, Mar., '02. (430) $6.60. DISSERTATION ON MAN'S FALL. See Miller (P.). DISTANT (W. L.). Rhopalocera Mala- yana. Lond., 1S82-S6. Colored plates. 4to. Hf. mor., Soth., Dec. 17. 1900. (3SS) £2 12s. DISTILLER OF LONDON. Lond., 1639. Fol. Cf.. Soth.. Dec. 3, 1900. (14S2) £1 3s. DIURNAL EYSTADTIENSE. [EICH- Diurnal Eystadtiense — f'diiliiiiird. stadt, J. Reyser, 14S3]. 244 leaves, Svo. Doeskin, Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (225) £9 17s. 6d. DIURNALE MONASTICUM SECUN- duni. Rubricam Romanum. etc. Venice, L. A. de Giunta, 1515. Svo. Pigskin (arms, with initials " I. A. L." and date 1606, on side), Soth.. Mar. 16, '03. (51S) £18 10s. DIURNALL OCCURRENCES, OR Daily Proceedings of Parliament, from Nov. 3, 1640, to Nov. 3, 1641. Lond., 1641. 4to. Sheep '(rebacked). Deane, Mar., '98. (1112) $19. DIVERSI AVISI [et Nuovi Avisi] par- ticolari dall Indie di Portogallo rice- vuti, dalli Reverend! padri della compagnia di Giesu. Venice, 1559. 2 vols, in 1, Svo. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (7S0) $12. DIVERS WORKS OF EARLY MAS- ters in Christian Decoration. Lond., 1S40. Plates, some colored. 2 vols., fol. Hf. mor.. Hirst, Dec, '87. (3070) £3 3s. Hf. mor.. g.e., Nash, Jan.. 'SS. (1S15) £3 12s. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., Dec. 14, '93. (132) £2-4s. Hf. mor., g.e.. Hodgson. June. '94. (257) £2. DIVES ET PAUPER. See Parker (Henry). DIX (JOHN A.). Sketch of the Re- sources of the Citv of New York. N. Y., 1S27. Svo. Bds.. unc. Bangs, Jan. 11, 1899. (485) $5.50. DIXON (C). The Game Birds and Wild Fowl of the British Islands. Sheffield, 1900. Colored plates. 4to.

    • Large paper.

BIyth, Mar., '01. (176) £2 17s. 61. DIXON (G.). Voyage round the World, but more particularly to the North- west Coast of America. Lond., 1789. Plates, some colored. 4to. '^'^Large paper. Mor.. g.t.. Turner, June, 'SS. (217) £2.