Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/106

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LOWTH 96 LUCANUS LOWTH (R.). Billesdon Coplow. Lond., 1833. Svo. Paper, unc, Putt., July, '02. (119) £1 ISs. LOWTH (W. S.). Angling, Angling Dodges and Match Fishing. New- port, Hull, n.d. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t. (orig. cover bound in), Snow, Nov., '98. (262) £13s. LOYAL GARLAND. Lond., 1686. Svo, Cf., g.e. (some headlines cut into), Soth., Mar. 17, '02. (743) £5 12s. 6d. Cf., g.e., Soth., July 28, '03. (219) £8. LOYER (PETER DE). Treatise of Specters. Lond., 1605. 4to. Cf., Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (973) £5 7s. 6d. Soth., May 18, '03. (625) £6. L02A (FRANCISCO). La Vida, que Hizo el siervo de Dios Gregorio Lopez. Lisbon, 1615. Svo. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (1496) $5. La Vida, que el Siervo de Dios Gregorio Lopez. Madrid, 1658. 4to. Vel., Barlow, Feb., '90. (1495) $5. LOZANO (PEDRO). Histoire de Tremblemens de Terre arrives a Lima, et autres lieux avec la De- scription de Perou. The Hague, 1752. 2 vols., 16mo. Bds., Hunt, Nov., '91. (1395) $6. True and Particular Relation of the Dreadful Earthquake at Lima, Oct. 28, 1746. Lond., 1748. Svo. Old cf., Ashburnham, Dec, '97. (2347) £110s. LUBKE (W.). History of Art. Trans. by F. E. Bunnett. Lond., 1868. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Putt., Dec. 8, '86. (235) £12s. Houle, Dec, '91. (489) £1. History of Sculpture. Trans, by F. E. Bunnett. Lond., 1872. 2 vols., Svo. CI., g.t., Ives, Mar., '91. (602) $16. Unc, Soth., Feb. 13, '99. (425) £2 19s. Cf., g.e.. Cox, Apr., '99. (631) $9. Soth., Oct. 28, '01. (173) £2 16s. History of Sculpture. Lond., 1878. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., Soth., Dec 13, '92. (227) £1 4s. CI., unc. Mead, Apr., '95. (860) $10. CI., Griffith, Dec, '95. (476) £119s. CI., Soth., Mar. 7, '98. (11) £1 17s. LUCANUS (MARCUS ANN/EUS). Pharsalia. Rome, 1469. Fol. Mor.. Sunderland, July, '82. (7611) £38. Mor., Thorold, Dec, '84. (1170) £42. Mor. (wormed in margins), Crawford, Mar., '91. (1945) £13. Pharsalia. [Probably Rome, about 1470]. Fol. Sewall, Nov., '96. (2295) $28. Pharsalia. Venice, 1475. Fol. Mor. (with 12 lines of Latin verse at end). Clerk, May, '99. (466) £4 12s. Pharsalia. Venice, 1477. Fol. Mor., Sunderland, July, '82. (7615) £7 10s. Mor. (Sunderland copy), Sullivan, June, '90. (4023) £2 19s. Rus., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (1946) £12s. Mor., Putt., May 14, '95. (259) £1 10s. Mor., r.e. (few leaves wormed and stained), Davis, Nov., 1900. (182) £2. Mor., g.e., Stanlev, June, '01. (1441) £4 12s. 6d. Pharsalia. Brescia, 1486. Fol. Cf., Auchinleck, June, '93. (504) £1 Is. Pharsalia. Milan, 1491. Fol. Mor., Cox, Feb., '02. (324) $16. Pharsalia. Venice, Aldus, 1502. Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., July 18, '95. (134) £2 2s. Mor., g.e.. Baring, Nov., '97. (341) £3 5s. Vel., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (415) £1 10s. Hf. vel., Henkels. Jan. 18, '01. (470) $21. Cf., g.e.. Bangs, Oct. 21, '01. (7) $25. Cf. (H. T. Buckle's copy), Cox, Feb., '02. (11) $42.50. Pharsalia. Paris, 1512. Svo. Cf., m.e., Gardner, July, '97. (143) £3 10s. Pharsalia. Venice, Aldus, 1515. Svo. Cf., g.e.. Putt., Dec. 17, '89. (297) £1 Is. Cf. ex., g.e. (with inscription " Ex dono D. L'alouette humaniss. opt. Praesidis Sedani le Chevalier de