Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/144

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MARCO 134 MARGARET Marco Polo — Continued. I'Inde Orientale, etc. Paris, 1556. 4to. Vel., Sunderland, July, '82. (8014) £18. Rus., g.e.. Putt., Dec. 17, '89. (319) £4. Travels. Trans, by W. Marsden. Lond., 1818. 4to. Hf. cf., Bangs, Dec. 10, '95. (387) $8.50. Hf. mor., g.e., Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (672) $11. Book, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Trans, and Edited by Henry Yule. Lond., 1871. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., Turner, June, '88. (1777) £1 10s. CI., Walker, May, '93. (802) £4 15s. CI., Bunbury, Dec, '94. (791) £3 8s. CI., Larpent, Jan., '95. (425) £3 3s. Cf., g.t., Alexander, Mar., '95. (4075) $25. CL," Bunbury, July, '96. (819) £4 4s. CL, Campbell, Dec, '96. (107) £3 12s. CI., Frere, Oct., '97. (56) £3 3s. CI., Makellar, Nov., '98. (1763) £5 2s. 6d. CI., Rogers, Nov., '98. (608) $26. CI., Pratt, Apr., '99. (2965) $10.50. CI., Soth., May 8, '99. (1157) £5. CL, Bangs, Mav 10, '99. (368) $15.10. CI., Tredwell, Nov., '01. (1188) $14. CI., Hodgson, Mar. 12, '02. (56) £3 7s. 6d. Cf., unc, Morgan, Apr., '02. (496) $30. Book, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Lond., 1875. 2 vols., 8vo. CI., Foljambe, Jan., '90. (1714) £4. CL, Putt., June 5, '93. (326) £6 12s. 6d. CL, Reid, May, '94. (2567) £5 10s. CL, Coleridge, May, '96. (858) £6 15s. CL, Young, Dec, '96. (961) £7. CL, Frere, Oct., '97. (57) £6 6s. CL, Soth., Dec. 5, '99. (502) £8 2s. 6d. CL, Virtue-Tebbs, June, 1900. (431) £6 5s. CL, Soth., Dec. 17, 1900. (711) £6 10s. CL, Bangs, Mar. 13, '01. (127) $16.25. Cf., Smith, May, '01. (574) £6 15s. CL, Hodgson, Jan. 8, '02. (888) £7 10s. MARCOT (A.). Declaration of the Masse. Wittemberg, 1547. Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (895) £3. MARCOY (P.). Voyage a Travers I'Amerique du Sud de I'Ocean Pacifique a I'Ocean Atlantique. Paris, 1869. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Field, May, '75. (1461) $10.12. Hf. mor., Lovell, Apr., '90. (303) £1 5s. Hf. mor., Ives, Mar., '91. (641) $8. Journey across South America. Lond., 1873. 2 vols., 4to. Hf. mor., Hodgson, Apr. 17, '88. (944) £lls. CL, Bangs, Mar. 1, '97. (138) $9.60. CL, Slee, Feb., 1900. (202) $9. MARCUS AURELIUS ANTONINUS. See Antoninus. MARGARET (ST.). Lyfe of Saynt Mar- garette. Lond., R. Redman, [1536]. 4to. Mor., Corser, Feb., '70. (474) £83. The Idea of a Perfect Princesse, in the Life of St. Margaret, Queen of Scotland. Paris, 1661. 4to. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (1764) £3 3s. MARGARET OF NAVARRE. Histoire des Amans Fortuuez, Dediees a tres illus. Princesse Madame Mar- guerite de Bourbon. Paris, Prevost, 1558. 4to. Cf., m.e. (top margins of a few leaves injured by damp), Soth., Jan. 24, '99. (433) £33. L'Heptameron. Paris, 1559. 4to. Mor., g.e., Edelheim, Mar., 1900. (1477) $35. L'Heptameron. Paris, V. Sertenas, 1560. 4to. Cf. (some leaves stained). Putt., Dec. 17, '89. (320) £115s. Mor., g.e.. Putt., June 20, '94. (315) £4. Rus., m.e., Fountaine, June, '02. (541) £4. L'Heptameron. N.p., 1560. Svo. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 5, '90. (157) £5 15s. Heptameron. Trans, by R. Cod- rington. Lond., 1654. Svo. Cf.. g.e., Benbow, Nov., '89. (48) £1 17s. Cf. (in 2 vols., title and index in man- uscript, each leaf inlaid), Hayes, Apr.. '9S. (744) $5.