Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/192

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MATHER 182 MATHER Mather (Increase) — Continued. Members and their Children. Lond., 1659. 4to. (Presentation copy to John Cotton), with a few text corrections by Mather, also autograph of Cotton), Brinlev, Mar., '79. (970) $37.50. Bds., Terry, Mar., '87. (327) $9. Hf. mor., Barlow, Feb., '90. (1604) $27.50. Disquisition Concerning Ecclesi- astical Councils. Bost., 1716. 12mo. Mor. ex., unc, Brinlev, Mar., '79. (971) $10. Cf., g.e. (portrait inserted), Coburn, Apr., '88. (1238) $5.25. Sheep, Terry, Mar., '89. (669) $13. Cf., Deane, Mar., '98. (2346) $23. Cf., g.e. (portrait inserted). Hurst, Nov., '04. (605) $40. Dissertation Concerning tlie Future Conversion of the Jewish Nation. Lond., 1709. 4to. Cf., r.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (972) $21. Mor. (portrait inserted, part of 1 line cut from foot of p. 23), Brinley, Mar., '79. (972*) $10. Dissertation wherein the Strange Doctrine lately published in a Ser- mon is Confuted. Bost., 1708. 12mo. Cf., Brinley, Mar., '79. (973) $17. Mor., g.e., Brinley, Nov., '86. (7623) $7.50. Orig. bdg., Brinley, Nov., '86. (7624) $7. Sheep, Terry, Mar., '89. (664) $12. Divine Right of infant Baptisme. Bost., 1080. 4to. Mor., Rice., Mar., '70. (1440) $33. Mor., g.e. (Rice copy), Brinley, Mar., '79. (974) $20. (Title and second leaf cut close), Brin- ley, Nov., '86. (7612) $10. Doctrine of Divine Providence opened and applyed. Bost., 1684. 12mo. Cf. ex.. g.e., Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (1670) $12.50. Leather (lacking first leaf of To the Reader), Hurst, Nov., '04. (589) $40. Mor., g.e. (with Sermon by N. Mather bound in, lacking a few words from corners of 2 leaves of preface to the first tract), Brinley, Mar., '79. (975) $13. Mather (Increase) — Continued. Doctrine of Singular Obedience. Bost., 1707. 12mo. Unc. (lacking 1 or more leaves at end), Brinley, Mar., '79. (977) $6. Duty of Parents to Pray for their Children. Bost., 1703. 16mo. Cf. (title mended). Chase and Dale, Oct., '97. (729) $8. Leather (title mended), Hurst, Nov., '04. (596) $25. Duty of Parents to Pray for their Children. Bost., 1719. 12mo. Sheep, Terry, Mar., '89. (670) $16. Mor. (with Sermon by C. Mather, bound in), Brinley, Mar., '79. (978) $17. Dying Legacy of a Minister to his Dearly Beloved People. Bost., 1722. 12mo. Old bdg. (piece torn from corner of pp. 7-8), Brinley, Mar., '79. (979) $13. Early History of New England. Bost., 1864. 4to. CI., unc. Field, May, '75. (1503) $6.50. Hf. mor., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (1364) $6. Hf. mor., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (1614) $9. CI., unc, Livermore, Nov., '94. (1705) $5. Earnest Exhortation to the Children of New England, to Ex- halt the God of their Fathers. Bost., 1711. 12mo. Mor., Brinley, Mar., '79. (980) $13. Sewed, Poole, May, 1900. (067) $5.12. Earnest Exhortation to the Inhab- itants of New England. Bost., 1676. 8vo. (Title, preface and pp. 1-16 only), Deane, Mar., '98. (2331) $6. Essay for the Recording of Illus- trious Providences. Bost., S. Green for J. Browning, 1684. 8vo. Cf., Stevens, Nov., '72. (1803) £5 15s. Mor., g.e., Menzies, Nov., '76. (1361) $32. Mor. ex., g.e., Brinley, Mar., '79. (983) $53. Mor., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (1671) $33. Mor., g.e. (title in facs.), Barger, May, '85. (1133) $20.