Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/215

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MERITON 205 MERRY MERITON (THOMAS). Love and War. Lond., 165S. 4to. Cf., g.t. (lower margin of title re- paired), Lefferts, Apr., '02. (915) $7. Hf. mor. (Mitford's copy, with manu- script notes), McKee, Apr., '01. (2514) $9.50. Wandering Lover. Lond., 1658. 4to. Cf., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (916) $12. MERIVALE (CHARLES). History of the Romans under the Empire. Lond., 1850-62. 7 vols., Svo. CI., Gage, Feb., '90. (118) £5 17s. 6d. CI., Rose, June, '91. (1108) £4 15s. CI., Bunbury, Dec, '94. (558) £119s. Cf., g.t., unc. Cox, Apr., '99. (666) $35. CI., Nichols, Apr., 1900. (522) £112s. Cf., Edwardes, May, '01. (353) £6 5s. History of the Romans under the Empire. Lond., 1852-02. 7 vols., Svo. Hf. cf., m.e., Bangs, Dec. 7, '96. (661) $12.95. Makellar, Nov., '98. Bangs, Oct. 15, 1900. Weaver, Cf., g.t., unc. (1792) £4. Cf., g.t., unc, (337) $25.38. CI. (with General Index), Dec, '97. (324) £2 5s. MERIVALE (J. H.). Poems. Lond., 1844. 3 vols., Svo. Mor., g.e.. Turner, Nov., '88. (2708) £110s. MERLE (W. H.). Odds and Ends in Verse and Prose. Lond., 1831. Plates by Cruikshank. Svo. Bds., unc, Clarke, Mar., '99. (63) £2 14s. CI., French, Apr., '01. (326) $5. MERLIN. Historia de Merlino. Ven- ice, 1480. Fol. Mor., g.e. (commencing on A2). Craw- ford, June, '89. (778) £13 10s. Le premier, et second Volume de Merlin et les Prophecies. Paris, 1498. 3 vols., fol. Mor., g.e., Crawford, June, '89. (777) £55. Mor., g.e. (slightly rubbed, last leaf of Vol. 3 backed), Ashburnham, Dec, '97. (2563) £760. La Vita de Merlino. Venice, 1507. 4to. Vel., Ashburnham, Dec, '97. (2564) £53. Merlin — Continued. Life of Merlin. See Heywood (Thomas). MERMAID "AT HOME" (THE). Lond., 1809. Svo. Orig. paper cover, Soth., Julv 21, '02. (1442) £4 12s. MERMAID SERIES. The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists. Lond., 1892- 96. 22 vols., Svo. CI., unc, Pratt, Apr., '99. (1722) $22. CI., Libbie, Nov. 16, 1900. (164) $11.44. MERRICK (R.). Book of Glamorgan- shire Antiquities. Lond., 1825. Ful. Rus., g.e., Beaufort, Julv, '90. (281) £15s. MERRILL (G. D.). History of Carroll County, N. H. Post., 1889. Svo. Hf. mor., g.e., Manson, Feb., '99. (909) $11. MERRILL (JOSEPH). History of Amesbury, Mass. Haverhill, ISSO. Svo. CI., Manson, Feb.. '99. (84) $5.25. CI., Balcom., Feb., '01. (57) $5.75. CI., Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (22) $5.75. Hf. roan, Libbie, Mar. IS, '02. (29) $5.50. MERRILL (J. L.). History of Ac- worth. N. H. Acworth, 1869. Svo. CL, Guild, Nov., '87. (17) $5.75. CI., Moore, Feb., '94. (2) $S. CL, g.e., Libbie, Nov., '95. (4) $10. Hf. mor., g.t., Blanchard, Mav, '98. (5) $8. CL, Manson, Feb., '99. (12) $5.25. CL, g.e., Balcom, Feb., '01. (4) $7.75. CL, g.e., Olcott, Apr., '01. (5) $6.25. Hf. roan, Wvman and Lesser, June, '02. (5) $15. MERRIMACK INTELLIGENCER. Ha- verhill, v.d. Fol. Vols. 2 and 3, 1810-11, hf. sheep, Lib- bie, Feb. 5, '02. (884) $13. MERRY DEVIL OF EDMONTON. See Shakespeare (W.). MERRY DROLLERY. Second Part of Merry Drollery. Lond., F. W. for P. H., [about 1662-63]. Svo. Orig. sheep, Soth., June 20, '04. (310) £35. Merry Drollery Compleat. Col- lected by W. N., C. B., R. S., J. G. Lond., 1691. Svo. Cf., Corser, July, '70. (Ill) £5 17s.6d.