Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/233

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MILTON 223 MILTON Milton (John) — Contimied. Mor. (with 5 other pieces bound in), Pickering, Oct., '97. (250) £70. A Manifesto of the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, Ireland, etc. Lond., 1738. 8vo. Sewed, unc, Sheldon and Allen, Feb., '01. (862) $5.50. Ode on the Morning of Christ's Nativity. Oxford, Daniel Press, 1894. ISmo. Paper, unc, French, Apr., '01. (1205) $6.50. Mor. (with orig. covers bound in), An- derson, Feb., '03. (340) $57.50. Of Education. To Master Samuel Hartlib. N.p., [1644]. 8 pages, 4to. Mor., Soth., May 6, '01. (177) £74 10s. Of Prelatical Episcopacy. Lond., 1641. 4to. Hf. mor., g.e., Soth., July 28, '02. (684) £7 7s. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. (736) £13. Of Reformation touching Church Discipline in England. Lond., 1641. 4to. Sullivan, June, '90. (4343) £2 5s. Cf., g.e. (title mended), Soth., Mar. 7, '01. (177) £5. Mor., Soth., May 6, '01. (176) £9 15s. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (958) $18. Hf. cf.. Brown, Apr., '03. (967) £10 10s. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mav 18, '03. (734) £14 15s. Paradise Lost. With first title- page. Lond., Peter Parker, 1667. 4to. Mor., g.e. (2 portraits of Milton in- serted), Turner, June, '88. (1964) £33 10s. Mor., g.e. (Turner copv), Ives, Mar., '91. (701) $215. Orig. cf., Lawrence, Mav, '92. (426) £120. Mor., in case (with Vertue's own copy of one of his engravings of Milton, with autograph inscription on back, inserted), Foote, Jan., '95. (197) $525. Orig. cf., Soth., July 1, '95. (830) £100. Orig. cf., Burrard, Jan., '96. (218) £90. Milton (John) — Continued. Mor., g.e. (portrait inserted; with in- scriptions " For my loving friend Mr. Francis Rea Booke binder in Worcestershire," and " Presented unto me by the Author to whom I gave 2 doubl Souveranges," on fly- leaves), Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (573) £85. Mor., g.e. (a few leaves slightly cut into). Crampon, June, '96. (307) £90. Mor., Sewall, Nov., '96. (2468) $395. Cf. (with autograph of William Beres- ford on title). Young, Dec, '96. (723) £90. Mor., g.e. (the copy sold at Sotheby's, Mar. 19, '96.), Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (1032) £80. Cf., g.e., Hayes, Apr., '98. (1097) $400. Cf. (margins of 4 leaves slightly torn, a few leaves cut into, some stained), Soth., Dec. 17, '98. (475) £46. Cf. (name partly erased from title, 3 leaves mended), Soth., Apr. 24, '99. (787) £89. Orig. cf. (back strengthened), Arnold, May, '01. (267) $830. Orig. cf. (with 4th title and 7 prelim- inary leaves bound in), Soth., Mar. 16, '03. (870) £102. Orig. sheep (few leaves wormed), Soth., May 18, '03. (740) £355. Orig. sheep (worn), Soth., June 18, '03. (192) £90. Paradise Lost. With second title- page. Lond., 1667. 4to. Mor., g.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (2151) £85. Cf., with many rough leaves, Daly, Mar., 1900. (2345) $460. Orig. cf. (2 leaves at end stained, 3 leaves torn), Soth., Julv 21, '02. (508) £49. Paradise Lost. With third title- page. Lond., 1068. 4to. Mor., g.e., Eastham. Dec, '87. (1041) $18.50. Cf., g.e., Duff, July, '88. (686) £9. Vel., Read, June, '92. (1208) £10 5s. Cf., r.e., Haves, Apr., '98. (1098) $117. Mor., g.e. (Griswold copv), McKee, Dec, '01. (3059) $90. Rus., g.e. (2 pages cut into), Hibbert, Apr., '02. (555) £47. Rus., g.e. (1 signature defective in mar-