Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/240

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MILTON 230 MINOT Milton (John) — Continued. Mor. ex., g.e. (1 or 2 leaves shaved), Soth., May 16, '01. (403) £7 5s. Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. Lond., 1649. 4to. Hf. rus., g.e. (foxed), Hawkins, Mar., •S7. (1401) $23. Cf., Reid, May, '94. (3183) £16s. Cf. ex., g.e., Crampon, June, '96. (305) £5 2s. 6d. Mor., Makellar, Nov., '98. (2146) £3 18s. Tetrachordon: Expositions upon the foure chief places in Scripture which treat of Mariage or Nullities in Mariage. Lond., 1645. 4to. Makellar, Nov., '98. (2140) £3. Unbd., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (961) $30. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 18, '03. (738) £11 15s. Treatise of Civil Power in Eccle- siastical Causes. Lond., 1659. 12mo. Sheep, ^Tiitchurch, Dec, '94. (423) £2 18s. Cf., Crampon, June, '96. (306) £2. Sheep, Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (323) $6.25. Mor. ex., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (963) $30. Works. Lond., 1697. Fol. Cf., Makellar, Nov., '98. (2215) £3 3s. Historical and Poetical Works. Amsterdam, 1698. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf., Soth., Mar. 19, '96. (571) £lls. Cf., Bangs, Mar. 8, '97. (351) $11.25. Works in Verse and Prose. With Life by Mitford. Lond., 1851. 8 vols., Svo. Cf., g.e., Sullivan, June, '90. (4377) £6 6s. Vel., g.e., Hutchinson, Feb., '92. (533) £12 10s. Mor., g.e., Reid, May, '94. (2666) £8 10s. CI., Livermore, Nov., '94. (1726) $23. Griffith, Dec, '95. (72) £5 7s. 6d. Mor., g.e.. Bangs, Oct. 14, '97. (363) $34. CI., unc, Deane, Mar., '98. (2423) $21. Cf., m.e., Makellar, Nov., '98. (1804) £5 15s. Mor., unc. Bangs, June 9, '99. (228) $176. Mor., g.e., Stephenson, June, '99. (230) £16 10s. Works in Verse and Prose. With Life by Mitford. Lond., 1863. 8 vols., Svo. Milton (John) — Continued. Unc, Leigh, Dec, '89. (179) £2 12s. Hookins, Apr., '93. (170) £1 15s. CI., unc, Barger, May, '95. (317) $7. CL, Swindells, June, '95. (594) £2 4s. Cf., m.e.. Bangs, June 14, 1900. (457) $22.80. Cf., m.e.. Eraser, Apr., '01. (1122) £2 15s. Proclamation for Calling in and Suppressing Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio and Pourtraicture of his Sacred Majesty in his Solitude. Lond., 1660. Fol. (Mounted on 2 sheets of thin card- board), Soth., Mar. 10, '97. (823) £9. Cf., r.e. (with The Obstructors of Jus- tice, 1660, Proclamation against Re- bellion and to the Scotts, 1639, and Proclamation issued at York to Obey the Commissioners, 1642, bound in). Twopenny, Mav, '02. (894) £26. MIND, A QUARTERLY REVIEW OF Psychology and Philosophy, edited bv Prof. Robertson. Lond.. v.d., 8vo. 1876-82, Vols. 1 to 7, hf. mor., Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (984) £2 5s. MINER (CHARLES). History of Wy- oming. Phila., 1845. 8vo. CL, Henkels, Apr. 21, '96. (420) $5. CL, Henkels, Apr. 5, 1900. (599) $5. MINER (H. S.). Orchids, the Royal Family of Plants. Lond., 1885. CoL ored plates. 4to. Moss, June, '87. (675) £12s. Hibberd, June, '91. (284) £1 2s. Holborn, Jan., '93. (582) £12s. MINIATURE LIBRARY OF THE Poets. Lond., 1880. 24 vols., Svo. Vel., in oak case. Putt., July 17, '89. (5) £16s. Vel., in oak case, Holborn, Jan., '93. (492) £12s. MINOT (GEORGE R.). History of the Insurrections in Massachusetts in 1786. Worcester, 1788. Svo. Hf. mor., unc, Barlow, Feb., '90. (1667) $7.50. Paper, unc, Chase and Dale, Oct., '97. (756) $5. Hf. cf. (Quincy's copy with auto- graph), Henkels, May 27, '03. (325) $6.75. History of the Insurrections in