Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/261

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MONTAIGNE 251 MONTAIGNE Montaigne (Michel de) — Continued. (A few leaves stained), Soth., Oct. 29, 1900. (G5) £4 10s. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 16, '01. (409) £5 18s. Cf. (rebacked), McKee, Dec, '01. (2926) $45. Cf., Putt., Jan. 9, '02. (525) £3. Cf. (rebacked), Soth., June 3, '02. (1065) £12. Orig. cf., Soth., May 18, '03. (712) £4 Ss. Essays. Trans, by John Plorio. Lond., 1632. Fol. Cf., Soth., July 13, '87. (690) £3. Cf. (Towneley copy), Sullivan, June, '90. (4451) £3. Cf., Stibbs, Oct., '92. (1540) £2 13s. Cf., Moore, May, '93. (1305) $6. Cf. y.e., Duprat, Feb., '95. (67) $11. Mor., r.e., Sewall, Nov., '96. (2547) $17. Cf., r.e., Frederickson, May, '97. (1090) $20. Cf., Bangs, Oct. 20, '98. (431) $5. Cf., Soth., July 20, '99. (368) £2 18s. Cf., Tixall, Nov., '99. (435) £3 5s. Cf. (with autographs of Thomas Penn and Sir John Franklin), Bangs, Mar. 19, 1900. (467) $8.50. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 16, '02. (211) $14. Cf., Putt., Jan. 30, '02. (255) £3. Cf., Soth., Apr. 7, '02. (286) £5 10s. Cf., Ellis, Oct. 28, '02. (1721) £4 18s. Cf., Bangs, Nov. 17, '02. (349) $12.50. Essays. Trans, by C. Cotton. Lond. 1685. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf. (Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough's copv), Toovey, Feb., '94. (1929) £16s. Essays. Trans, by C. Cotton. Lond., 1743. 3 vols., 8vo. Mor., g.e., Cole, Apr., '90. (359) $34.50. Hf. cf.. Bangs, Mar. 13, '96. (279) $5.70. Essays. Lond.. 1811. 3 vols., 8vo. Cf., Soth., Dec. 9, '87. (744) £113s. Cf., Putt., Apr. 2, '91. (42) £1 2s. Cf., g.e., Hammond, Jan., '95. (427) $9.75. Cf., g.t., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (3250) $23.25. Mor., g.t.. Bangs, Jan. 22, '01. (679) $7.88. Cf., g.t, Dayton, Apr., '02. (1064) $12. Montaigne (Micliel de) — Cvntinued.

    • Large paper.

Hf. mor., g.e.. Young, June, '90. (570) £112s. Cf., g.e. (rebacked). Bangs, Mar. 13^ '96. (280) $7.50. Cf., June 15, '96. (332) $6. Works. Edited by O. W. Wright Camb., 1864. 4 vols., 8vo.

    • Large paper.

Hf. mor., g.t., Gale, Dec, '88. (1577) Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Ives, Mar. '91 (713) $34. Mor., Bangs, Nov. 18, '95. (608) $21. Hf mor., g.t., unc, American Art Galleries, Jan. 18, '97. (1378) $17. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Hayes, Apr., '98 (1123) $15. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Cox, Apr. '99 (688) $14. Hf. mor., g.t, unc, Poole, May, 1900 (700) $12. Mor., g.t.. Bangs, Jan. 22, '02. (324) $16.50. Hf. roan, g.t., unc. Bangs, Apr. 28 '02. (590) $12.

    • India paper.

Mor., g.t., unc, Hayes, Apr., '98 (1122) $36. CI., imc, Bangs, June 19, '99. (272) $14. Essays. Trans, by C. Cotton. Lond., 1877. 3 vols., 8vo. Rose, June, '91. (1139) £13s. Warrington, Nov., '93. (247) £15s. Reid, May, '94. (2693) £1 8s. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. Bangs, May 2, '98. (730) $9.75. CI., unc, Andrews, Mav, '99. (238) $12. Cf., g.t., Henkels, June 8, '99. (54) $10.20. Hf. ct, m.e.. White, Feb. 26, '01. (587) $10.50. Cf., g.e.,. Bangs, Jan. 27, '02. (1177) $10.87. Hf. mor., g.t., White, Apr., '02. (1548) £3. Essays. Trans, by John Florio. Lond., 1892-93. 3 vols., 4to. Hf. cl., unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (3251) $12. Soth., Mar. 17, '99. (43) £4. Cl., unc, Hodgson, July 15, '02. (6583) £11 10s.