Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/271

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MORAXT 261 MORE Morant (P.) — Continued. Cf., Putt., Mar. 28, '01. (324) £6. Rus., m.e. (with View of Audley End), Sotli., Nov. 18, '01. (527) £12 10s. Cf., y.e.. White, Apr., '02. (1555) £9 15s. ♦Large paper. Rus., g.e. (with View of Audley End), Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1278) £23 2s. Rus.', Perkins, July, '89. (1360) £18 10s. Rus. (with View of Audley End), Toovey, Feb., '94. (2139) £17 15s. Rus. (with View of Audley End), Ed- wardes. May, '01. (464) £13 10s. Cf. (Treadway Nash's copy), Soth., July 1, '01. (446) £11. History and Antiquities of Essex. Chelmsford, 1816. 2 vols., fol. Hf. rus., Hodgson, Mar. 9, '87. (545) £2 2s. Hf. bd., Foggo, Dec, '92. (361) £1. Cf., Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (1021) £4 4s. Hf. bd. (map and 1 extra plate in- serted), Putt., Nov. 9, '96. (279) £2 18s. Cf. (about 50 plates inserted), Ash- burton, Nov., 1900. (560) £3. MORDAUNT (PAUL). Wait till the War, Love, is Over. Augusta, Ga., 1864. 4 pages, 4to. Bangs, June 4, 1900. (462) $5.13. MORE (CRESACRE). Life and Death of Sir Thomas More. [Paris, 1626]. 4to. Mor., g.e., Reid, Mav, '94. (3191) £1 19s. Mor., g.e., Hibbert, Apr., '02. (570) £9 5s. Cf. (portrait inserted), Soth., May 5, '90. (183) £15s. Mor., g.e. (portrait inserted). Wood, Mar., '91. (850) £12s. Life of Sir Thomas More. Lond., 1726. 8vo.

    • Large paper.

Mor., g.e., Craig, Mar., '88. (3471) £4 6s. Life of Sir Thomas More. Lond., 1828. 8vo. Cf., Vaughan, Dec, '86. (325) £12s. Cf., Harborough, Feb., '87. (268) £1 2s. Mor., g.e., Matthews, Feb., '97. (513) $15. More (Cresacre) — Continued.

  • Large paper.

Unc, Phillips, Nov., '87. (3161) £2 19s. Rus., unc, Perkins, July, '89. (1362) £4 10s. Mor., g.e., Hennessy, Julv, '93. (1424) £17s. Mor., g.e., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (410) £5. MORE (SIR GEORGE). True Discourse concerning the Certaine Possession and Dispossession of 7 Persons in one familie in Lancashire. Lond., 1600. 8vo. Hf. cf., Bailey, June, *89. (2304) £4 16s. MORE (GERTRUDE). Spiritual Ex- ercises. Paris, 1658. 8vo. Mor., g.e. (portrait inserted, some man- uscript Pravers added), Hawkins, Apr., '95. (266) £9. MORE (HANNAH). Bishop Bonner's Ghost. Strawberry Hill, 1789. 4 leaves, 4to. Sewed, unc, Hodgson, Apr. 30, '02. (157) £4 17s. 6d. MORE (HENRY). Philosophical Poems. Camb., 1647. 8vo. Cf., v.e., Rickarby, May, '94. (519) £12s. Cf.. g.e., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (1518) $9. Cf., g.e. (Charles Lamb's copy, with his autograph notes), Frederickson, May, '97. (963) $170. Cf., g.e. (Bierstadt copy), Arnold, May, '01. (278) $6. Platonical Song of the Soul. Camb., 1642. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 16, '01. (411) £3 5s. MORE (JOHN). A Table from the be- ginning of the World to this Day. Camb., 1593. 12mo. Vel. (interleaved, and filled with man- uscript additions and continuation to 1667), Soth., July 28, '02. (648) £5 15s. MORE (SIR THOMAS). Apologye. Lond., 1533. 8vo. Cf. (a few letters lacking on Folio 85), Constable, June, '89. (451) £2 19s. Mor., g.e., Wilbraham, June, '98. (437) £18 15s.