Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/314

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NASH 304 NATIONAL Nash (Thomas) — Cnntiiuied. Complete Works. Edited by A. B. Grosart. bond., 1SS3-S4. 6 vols., Svo. CL, unc, McKee, May, '02. (5139) $19.50. NASH (TREADWAY). History of Wor- cestershire. Lond., 17S1-S2. 2 vols., fol. Cf., Gage, Feb., '90. (333) £5 15s. Cf., Christie, June, 14,'93. (66) £3 7s. 6d. Hf. bd., unc, Hodgson, June 21, '94. (852) £8. Cf., Whitchurch, Dec, '94. (587) £3 16s. Cf., Addison, June, '96. (863) £6 15s. Rus., m.e., Murray, Dec, '99. (391) £10. Rus., Peel, June, 1900. (649) £10 10s. Hf. mor. (1 leaf mended), Soth., July 30, 1900. (383) £4. Hf. cf., Hodgson, Oct. 9, 1900. (1281) £5 5s. History of Worcestershire. Lond., 1781-82. With Supplement, Lond., 1799. In 2 vols., fol. Rus., g.c, Shaw, Nov., '87. (658) £13 10s. Cf., Martin, Mar., '88. (74) £15. Rus., m.e., Thornhill, Apr., '89. (376) £20. Rus., hf. bd., unc, Cholmondeley, Apr., '97. (213) £10. Rus., m.e. (back defective), Soth., July 18, 1900. (907) £8 7s. 6d.. Rus. (title mended, rebacked, one cover loose), Lloyd, Jan., '02. (271) £6. Rus., m.e.. Ford, May, '02. (396) £11 10s.

    • Large paper.

Hf. mor., unc. (the Supplement on small paper), Whatman, July, '87. (171) £19. Rus., Brabourne, May, '91. (478) £24. Rus., m.e. (a few plates mounted), Toovey, Feb., '94. (2463) £15. Rus., Soth., Dec. 1, '96. (693) £14 10s. History of Worcestershire. Sec- ond edition. Lond., 1799. 2 vols., fol. Unc, Grace, Dec, '90. (729) £12 12s. Hf. cf.. Putt., Oct. 15, '95. (571) £6 5s. Cf., Gray, Feb., '96. (666) £8 12s. 6d. Nash (Treadway) — Contlnned. Hf. rus., m.e. (lacking portrait of Nash), Tixall, Nov., '99. (447) £4 4s. Rus., g.e., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (571) £14. Hf. cf., unc, Soth., Nov. 25, '01. (1223) £10 5s. Mor., g.e.. White, Apr., '02. (1573) £14 10s. NATALIBUS (PETRUSDE). Cata- logus Sanctorum. Venice, 1506. Fol. Cf., r.e., Cholmley, Nov., '02. (771) £32. Mor., g.e., Soth., Mar. 23, '03. (809) £9 5s. NATION (THE). For IVlay 13, 1843. Dublin, 1843. [Containing a poem and woodcut by Thackeray.] Fol. Atkinson, Mar., '97. (933) £2 14s. Putt., Apr. 8, '97. (529) £112s. Hodgson, Mar. 12, '02. (409) £1 10s. NATION (THE). A Weekly Journal de- voted to Politics, etc. N. Y., v.d. 4to. Vols. 1-39, 1865-84, 39 vols., hf. mor., Libbie, Sept. 25, '95. (658) $79.95. Vols. 1-17, hf. mor. and parts, Libbie, May 9, '99. (974) $39.10. Vols. 1 and 2, in 1 vol., hf. sheep, Hunter, Apr., '01. (2104) $24. NATIONAL EAGLE. Claremont, N. H., v.d. Fol. Vol. 30 to No. 18 of Vol. 34, in 4 vols., hf. sheep, Balcom, Feb., '01. (1772) $9.60. (Apparently the preceding copy re- sold), Olcott, Apr., '01. (989) $15. NATIONAL GALLERY Engravings from Pictures in the National Gal- lery. Lond., 1840. Fol. Hf. mor., g.e., Hirst, Dec, '87. (2582) £18s. Hf. mor., Perkins, July, '89. (799) £2. Hf. mor., Birley, May, '92. (460) £1 Is. NATIONAL OMNIBUS. Lond., v.d. Fol. Vol. 1, 1831-32, hf. mor., g.t., unc, Daly, Mar. 19, 1900. (3290) $20. NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY. See Jerdan (W.). NATIONAL SHAKESPEARE COM- mittee and the Late Mr. Thackeray. Lond., J. Clayton, [1864]. 8vo. Sewed, Soth., Apr. 25, '98. (207) £1.