Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/376

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O'CONOR S66 OFFICIUM O'Conor (C.) — Co)iti)iuc(L Mor., g.t., Soth., Feb. 15, 1900. (498) £15. Hf. mor., unc, Edwardes, May, '01. (423) £17. OCTROY. By de Hooghe Mogende Heeren Staten Generael Verlient aende West-Indische Compagnie, in date den derdeii Junij, 1621. The Hague, 1623. 4to. Hf. cf.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (1866) $11. O'CURRY (E.). Lectures on the Man- uscript Materials of Ancient Irish History. Dublin, 1861. 8vo. CI., Anderson, Apr., '03. (738) $10.50. Manners and Customs of the An- cient Irish. Lond., 1873. 3 vols., 8vo. CL, Malahide, June, '90. (519) £118s. CI., Hennessv, Oct., '94. (1008) $12.75. CI., Libbie, Mar. 5, '96. (926) $9. CL, Bangs, Oct. 12, '96. (2180) $10.80. CI., Soth., Feb. 6, 1900. (1447) £16s. CL, Bangs, Apr. 11, 1900. (381) $6.75. O'DALY (D. DE ROSARIO). Initium, Incrementa et Exitus Familise Geral- dinorum Desmoniae Comitum Pala- tinorum Kyerrise in Hibernia. Lis- bon, 1655. -Svo. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (2259) £5 15s. Mor., g.e., Edwardes, May, '01. (216) £4 2s. ODD FELLOWS SONG BOOK. Dun- combe, n.d. Colored frontispiece by Cruikshank. Svo. Hf. cf., g.t., Bruton, June, '97. (90) £4 4s. ODDITIES OF LONDON LIFE. See Poole (John). O'DONOGHUE (J.). Historical Mem- oir of the O'Briens. Dublin, 1860. 8vo. Cf., g.e., Holborn, Jan., '93. (513) £2 8s. b'DONOVAN (JOHN). Annals of Ire- land. See Ireland. Calendar of the Saints of Ireland. Edited bv Todd and Reeves. Dublin, 1864. 8vo. CL, Bennett, Feb., '87. (578) £1 10s. A Grammar of the Irish Language. Dublin, 1S45. Svo. CL, Anderson, Apr. 2, '03. (739) $12.50. OFFICE OF INDUCTION OF MINIS- sters into Parishes or Churches. N. Y., 1804. Svo. Paper, Appleton, Apr., '03. (67) $12. OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS RELATIVE to the Operations of the British Army Employed in the Reduction of the Canadas Under Major General Wolfe, 1759-1760. Phila., 1813. Svo. Hf. mor., unc. (5 extra plates in- serted), Clogston, Nov., '99. (1164) $10.50. OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE TRIALS of Sundry Negroes Charged With an Attempt to Raise an Insurrection in South Carolina. Charleston, 1822. Svo. Paper, Arnold, Apr. 23, 1900. (1896) $5.50. The Books of Offices of the Virgin are A rranged Chronologica lly. OFFICIUM BEAT/E MARI/E VIR- ginis. Secundum Consuetudinem Ro- manae Curiae. [Venice, N. Jensen, about 1474]. 12mo.

    • On vellum.

Mor., g.e., Soth., June 20, '02. (180) £75. Officium Beate Marie Virginis se- cundum Consuetudinum Romanae Curiae. Naples, M. Moravum, 1490. 16mo.

    • 0n vellum.

Mor., in case, Ashburnham, Dec, '97. (2743) £95. Officium Beatae Mariae Secundum usum Romanum. Venice, Johann Hamman, 1493. 136 leaves, Svo.

    • 0n vellum.

Mor., g.e., Soth., July 17, '01. (456) £395. Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis. Ferrara, M. Laurentinum de rubeis de Valentia, 1497. 24mo. Rus., g.e., Ashburnham, Dec, '97. (2744) £82. Officium Beate Marie Virginis ad usum insignis ecclesie Sarisburien- sis. Paris, J. Jehannot, 1498. Svo.

    • 0n vellum.

Old cf. (top margins cut into, a portion of one leaf cut out), Toovey, Feb., '94. (2147) £3. Officium Beate Marie Virginis ad