Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/426

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PEABODY 416 PEAKE (626) £18s. Lond., 1661. Peabody (Elizabeth P.) — Continued. and title), Whipple, Apr., '03. (501) $5.25. Paper, iinc, Brown, Apr., '03. (609) $5. PEABODY'S PARLOUR JOURNAL. Vols. 1 and 2. N. Y., 1834. 4to. Hf. cf. (in 1 vol.), McKee, Nov., 1900. (980) $15. PEACHAM (HENRY). Compleat Gen- tleman. Lond., 1622. 4to. Rus., g.e., Maskell, Feb., '91. (395) £110s. Compleat Gentleman. Lond., 1626. 4to. Cf., y.e.. Snow, Nov., '98. Compleat Gentleman. 4to. Cf. (cracked), Chittenden, Jan., '94. (934) $5.25. Cf., g.e. (headlines cut into), Bangs, Apr. 22, '95. (57) $5.75. Garden of Eloquence. Lond., 1577. 4to. Mor., Ellis, Nov., '85. (2343) £7. Hf. vel., Soth., Julv 28, '03. (127) £12 5s. Garden of Eloquence. Lond., 1593. 4to. Vel., Clarke, Nov., '96. (68) £15s. Minerva Britannia. Lond., W. Dight, [1612]. 4to. Mor., Harris, Apr., 'S3. (1699) $80. Crawford, June, '87. (1604) £5 10s. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1403) £8 15s. Rus., g.e. (marginal notes cut into, Roxburghe copy), Soth., June 27, '92. (697) £5 12s. 6d. Mor., Toovey, Feb., '94. (2078) £2 4s. Mor., g.e., Larpent, Jan., '95. (872) £2 9s. Mor. (Jollev copy), Sewall, Nov., '96. (2829) $37. Mor., g.e. (engraved title inlaid), Auck- land, Nov., '97. (633) £8. Mor., g.e. (title remargined, one other leaf mended), McKee, Dec, '01. (3086) $25. Mor., g.e., Lefferts, Apr., '02. (1042) $40. Rus., g.e. (marginal notes cut into, Roxburghe copy), Ellis, Oct., '02. (1913) £6. Period of Mourning, in Memorie of Prince Henry. Lond., 1613. 4to. Peacham (Henry) — Continued. Cf., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1404) £2 18s. Unbd., Soth., July 1, '95. (486) £2 19s. The Truth of Our Times Revealed out of One Man's Experience. Lond., 1638. 12mo. Cf., Bools, June, '03. (1227) £1 13s. Valley of Varietie. Lond., 1638. 8vo. Cf., g.e.. Turner, June, '88. (2052) £12s. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (2369) £19s. Rus., Bools, June, '03. (1226) £1 Is. PEACHUM. Polly Peachum's Jests. Lond., 1728. Svo. Hf. cf. (J. Maidment's copy), Macken- zie, Mar., '89. (1253) £2. Mor., g.e., Crawford, Mar., '91. (1719) £16s. Hf. rus., r.e. (Maidment-Mackenzio copy), McKee, May, '02. (5158) $16. PEACOCK (T. B.). Poems of the Plains, and Songs of the Solitudes. N. Y., 1888. 12mo. CI., Archer, June, '01. (1216) $7.12. PEACOCK (T. L.), Works. Edited by H. Cole. Lond., 1875. 3 vols., Svo. Grace, Dec, '90. (88) £1. Cf., Toovey, Feb., '94. (2190) £llls. Hf. mor., g.t., Alexander, Mar., '95. (3424) $7.50. Cf., g.t., Dayton, Apr., '02. (1270) $9. Works. Edited by R. Garnett. Lond., 1891. 10 vols., 8vo.

    • Large paper.

Williams, Nov., '94. (138) £2 13s. Soth., Dec 11, '95. (447) £2 12s. CI., unc, Henkels, Mar. 10, '97. (142) $6.50. CI., Soth., June 1, '97. (473) £2 10s. CI., unc, Hodgson, Oct. 29, '01. (108) £116s. PEAKE (R. B.). An Evening's Amuse- ment. Lond., 1846. 8vo. Hf. mor., g.t., Alexander, Mar., '95. (2295) $5. Cf., g.e., American Art Gall., Jan. 18, '97. (1408) $13. Hf. cf. (rubbed). Cox, Apr., '99. (853) $27. French Characteristic Costumes. Lond., 1816. 19 colored etchings. 4to. Cf.. g.t., Bangs, Mar. 5, '96. (436) $6.37.