Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/460

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PHILADELPHIA 450 PHILELPHUS Philadelphia — Continued. Unbd. (name torn from title), Proud, May, '03. (818) $9. Philadelphia Directory. For 1795. Part 1. Bv Edmund Hogan. Phila., 1795. Svo. Paper, Proud, May, '03. (819) $9. Stephens' Philadelphia Directory. For 1796. Phila., 1796. 12mo. Cf. (George Washington's copy, with his autograph on title). Baker, Feb., '91. (4) $190. Sheep, Putt., Dec. 16, '95. (26) £1 14s. Hf. mor., Randall and Shreve, Oct., '01. (8) $5.25. Bds. (folding plate inserted). Bangs, Jan. 27, '03. (505) $9.50. Philadelphia Directory. For 1797. By C. W. Stafford. Phila., 1797. Svo. Paper, Henkels, Dec. 19, '99. (531) $5.75. Orig. paper cover, Anderson, Mav 27, '01. (196) $24. Hf. mor., Randall and Shreve, Oct., '01. (9) $7.25. Bds., Peirce, Mar., '03. (600) $7. Kite's Philadelphia Directory. For 1815. Phila., 1S15. 12mo. Hf. mor., Randall and Shreve, Oct., '01. (28) $50. Rae's Philadelphia Pictorial Direc- tory and Panoramic Advertiser. Phila., 1851. 4to. CI., Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (419) $5. Entomological Society. See En- tomological Society. History of the First City Troop, Phila. City Cavalrv. Phila., 1874. 4to. CI., unc. Stone, Oct., '97. (563) $6. CI., unc, Hoskinson, Dec, '97. (688) $8.50. CI., unc, Henkels, Jan. 30, '99. (83) $8. CI., unc. (presentation copv to Kirk B. Wells, with A.L.S. of R. P. Bechert and J. L. Wilson inserted), Henkels, Apr. 5, 1900. (702) $11. Prayers for the Use of the Phila- delphia Academy. Phila., B. Frank- lin and D. Hall. 1753. IGmo. Sewed, Miller and Bancker, Dec, '98. (48a) $60. Philadelphia — Continued. Proceedings of Two Meetings of Citizens respecting Col. Clark's Plan for improving the Navigation of the Delaware. Phila., 1824. Svo. Sewed, Henkels, June 12, '01. (280) $5.25. Prospect of Philadelphia. See Hogan (E.). Protestation presented to the Synod of Philadelphia, June 1. 1741. Phila., B. Franklin, 1741. Svo. Cf., Rice, Mar., '70. (1771) $5.50. Cf., g.e., Cooke, Dec, '83. (869) $12.50. Remarks on the late Proceedings of some ]Iembers of Assembly at Philadelphia, April, 172S. [In refer- ence to controversy about holding an Election for a Member of Assem- bly in place of Sir Wm. Keith and others.] Phila., 1728. 4 pages, fol. Proud, Henkels, May, '03. (108) $15. Speech Delivered from the Bench in the Court of Common Pleas, Sept. 11, 1727. [In reference to contro- versy over the arrest of Sir William Keith]. Phila., 1727. 4 pages, fol. Proud, May. '03. (110) $S. PHILAGATHOS. A Poem, Commem- orative of Goffe, Whalley, and Dix- well. Three of the Judges of Charles I. By Philagathos. Bost., 1793. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. (facs. of Death Warrant of Charles I. inserted). Menzies. Nov., '76. (1595) $10. PHILALETHES. See Hancock (John). PHILELPHUS (FRANCISCUS). Epis- tolee, Libri XVI. [Venice, Vlndelin de Spira, about 1471]. (Hain- Copinger, 12926). Fol. (First leaf remargined on the bottom, a few words supplied in pen and ink), Probasco, Jan., '99. (1239) $18. Vel., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (556) £2. Satyrae. Milan, C. Valdarpher, 1476. Fol. Mor. (Meerman copy), Thorold. Dec, '84. (1517) £15 10s. Mor. (Meerman-Thorold copy), South- bv, Dec, '90. (1100) £3 18s. Mor., g.e., Soth., July 27, '97. (322) £7 5s. Mor., g.e., Stanley, June, '01. (1790) £5.