Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/504

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POWNALL 494 PRATT Pownall (Thomas) — Continued. Hf. mor. (with 4 extra plates), Bar- low, Feb., '90. (2007) $105. Topographical Description of the Middle British Colonies. Lond., 1776. Fol. Hf. mor., g.t. (presentation copy to Dr. Ingenhausen, , with the author's manuscript notes and corrections), Menzies, Nov., '76. (1624) $13.50. Hf. cf.. Murphy, Mar., '84. (2024) $14. Unc, Normanbv, Jan., '91. (396) £2 8s. Bds., unc. Putt., July 1, '91. (1340) £2 10s. Brinley, Apr., '93. (8787) $31. Paper, unc, Alexander, Mar., '95. (191) $9. Orig. bds., Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (250) $24. Unc, Atkinson, Mar., '96. (1045) £3 3s. Hf. cf., Bangs, June 4, 1900. (1006) $11.25.

    • Large paper.

Hf. cf., unc. Weeks, Mar., '02. (782) $10.50. POWYS-LAND CLUB. Collections re- lating to Montgomeryshire. Lond., v.d. Svo. 1868-84, 17 vols., hf. cf. and parts, Hodgson, May 11, '87. (627) £6 5s. 1868-80, el., hf. rus. and parts, Breese, May, '88. (Ill) £11. POYNTER (SIR E.). National Gallery. Lond., 1899-1900. 3 vols., 4to. Christie, Dec. IS, '01. (Ill) £10. Sewed, Hodgson, June 3, '02. (294) £11. Putt., June 4, '02. (210) £8. POYNTING (FRANK). Eggs of Brit- ish Birds. Lond., 1895-90. Colored plates. 4to. Hf. mor., Soth., Oct. 30, '99. (419) £2 12s. 6d. Mor., Bruce, Dec, 1900. (971) £5 15s. POYNTON (F. J.). Memoranda relat- ing to the Parish of Kelston, Somer- set. Lond., 1878-85. 4 parts, 4to. Hf. mor., Jackson, May, '95. (581) £2. Parts, Howard, June, '02. (751) £1 6s. POYNTZ (ADRIAN). New and Singu- lar Patternes and Workes of Lin- nen. Lond., 1591. 4to. Sewed, unc. (lacking sheet H., and Poyntz (Adrian) — Continued. device cut from second title), Frere, Feb., '96. (747) £12. Sewed, unc. (apparently preceding copy). Soth., Dec 17, 1900. (633) £19 10s. New and Singular Patternes and "Workes of Linnen. Lond., 1870. Fol. Mor., g.e.. Hailstone, Feb., '91. (1219) £7. POYNTZ (JOHN). Present Prospect of the Famous and Fertile Island of Tobago. Lond., 1683. 4to. Cf., Cooke, Dec, '83. (2066) $6. Hf. mor., Simon, Dec, '93. (181) £2. PRACTICE OF PERSPECTIVE. Lond., 1726. 4to. Cf., g.e., Soth., Nov. 20, '99. (796) £2 16s. PRAED (W. M.). Poems. Edited by D. Coleridge. Lond., 1864. 2 vols., Svo.

    • Large paper.

Mor., King, Dec, '90. (613) £112s. Hf. mor., Soth., May 4, '91. (172) £1 12s. Unc, Buckley, Feb., '93. (2528) £1 4s. Mor., g.e., Webster, Mar., '93. (415) £119s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mar. 5, 1900. (466) $5.25. PR/ETORIUS (J. C). Tobago Insulae Caraibicae in America. Groningen, 1727. Cf., Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (5S0) £2. PRATT (ANNE). Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain. Lond., Warne, n.d. Colored plates. 6 vols., Svo. Bleasdell, Jan., 'S7. (35) £2. Hf. mor., Hodgson, June 28, '87. (1014) £2 10s. CI., g.e., Hodgson, Apr. 17, '88. (264) £2 6s. CI., Wood, Oct., '89. (372) £3. Belt, Aug., '92. (272) £116s. Cf., g.e., Walker, May, '93. (953) £4 4s. Tomlinson, Jan., '94. (1459) £2 7s. Parts, Holding, Jan., '95. (275) £1 10s. Hf. mor., Jack, Feb., '95. (307) £2 ISs. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 6, '96. (561) $15.75.