Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/517

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PRESENT 507 PRIAPEIA Present Melancholy^ — Continued. One in the Country to one in Boston. [Bost., Gray and Edwardes, 1719.] No title page. 16mo. Brinley, Mar., '79. (1433) $27. PRESENT STATE OF NORTH AMER- ica. See Huske (John). PRESENT STATE OF SPAIN. See Lewkenor (L.). PRESENT STATE OF THE CONTRO- versy. See Allen (E.). PRESENT STATE OF VIRGINIA. See Hartwell (H.). PRESS YARD. History of the Press Yard. Lond., 1717. Svo. Cf., Ashburton, Nov., 1900. (391) £1 Ss. PRESTON (THOMAS). Lamentable Tragedie, Mixed Full of Pleasant Mirth, containing the Life of Cam- bises, King of Percia. Lond., E. Allde, [1570]. 4to. Mor., g.e., Hawkins, Mar., '87. (1431) $40. Cf. (some leaves mended), Perkins, July, '89. (1527) £117s. Mor., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1477) £20 10s. Mor., g.e. (Hawkins copy), McKee, Apr., '01. (2556) $250. PRESTON (W.). Historical Account of the Colony of New South Wales, in 12 Views. Lond., 1821. Fol. Hf. bd., Glasse, July, '92. (1201) £10 5s. PRESTWICH (EDMUND). Hippoli- tus, trans, out of Seneca, with divers others poems. Lond., 1G51. Svo. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1478) £4 4s. Cf., Crawford, Mar., '91. (2547) £1. Cf., Soth., Feb. 22, '97. (955) £5. Cf., Bierstadt, Apr., '97. (1748) $10. Orig". vel., with strings, Lefferts, Apr., '02. (1070) $27.50. PRESTWICH (J.). Geology. Oxford, 1886-88. 2 vols., Svo. Cockburn, Dec, '91. (431) £110s. Unc, Murray, Dec, '99. (262) £1 Ss. PRETIE NEW INTERLUDE OF THE Story of Kyng Daryus. Edited by J. O. Halliwell. Lond., 1860. 4to. Hf. roan, unc, Frederickson, May, '97. (673) $6.50. Hf. roan, unc, Bangs, Apr. 2S, '02. (485) $8. PREVOST D'EXILES (ANTOINE Francois). Histore Generale des Voyages. Paris, 1746-89. 20 vols., 4to. Cf., r.e., Libbie, Mar. 27, '95. (1890) $10. Histoire Generale des Voyages. The Hague, 1747-80. 25 vols., 4to. Sheep, Libbie, Jan. 10, 1900. (482) $7.50. Memoires d'un Homme de Qualite qui s'est retire du Monde. Amster- dam, 1731. 7 vols., Svo. Mor., g.e., Talbot, Jan., '90. (183) £4 10s. Mor., g.e., Simon, Dec, '93. (568) £9. Orig. bds., Soth., Jan. 29, 1900. (554) £14s. Histoire du Chevalier des Grieux et de Manon Lescaut. Amsterdam, 1753. 2 vols., Svo. Cf., Both., May 31, '89. (95) £9. Mor., Streatfeild, June, '89. (S64) £4 16s. Mor., g.t., m.e., Soth., Apr. 2, '90. (210) £6. Mor., g.e., Soth., May 21, 1900. (530) £6 5s.

    • Large paper.

Mor., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (813) $90. Manon Lescaut. [Trans, by D. C. Moylan.] Lond., 1841. Svo. Hf. of., Ives, Mar., '91. (814) $5. Cf., g.e., Libbie, Feb. 18, '97. (736) $6. Hf. mor., g.e., Daly, Mar., 1900. (2713) $7.50. Hf. mor., Tredwell, Nov., '01. (947) $5. History of Manon Lescaut. Lond., 1886. Svo. Christie, Mar. 28, '88. (592) £112s. Hf. mor., g.e., Hoskinson, Dec, '97. • (675) $19.50. Paper, in portfolio, Bangs, Apr. 16, 1900. (688) $5.25. Unc, in portfolio, Cresson, Mav, '02. (159) $6. PRIAPEIA, OR THE SPORTIVE Epi- grams of Divers Poets on Priapus. Athens, Erotika Biblion Society, 1888. Svo. Bds., Snaith, July, '97. (IS) £2 12s. Bds., Bangs, June 13, '01. (491) $6.25. Priapeia. Athens, 1890. 4to. Simon, Dec, '93. (706) £1 10s. Soth., Dec. 18, '99. (1188) £1.