Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/546

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PURCELL 536 PURCHAS Purcell (H.) — Continued. Mor., g.e., Bateman, July, '96. (106) £2 18s Cf., Boyce, July, '97. (248) £2 2s. Cf., g.e., Soth., Feb. 25, '01. (402) £3 7s. 6d. Cf., Fountalne, June, '02. (705) £3 18s. Sonatas of III. Parts. Lond., 1683. 4to. Orig. covers (autograph of Roger Mainwaring on 3 titles), Marshall, July, '04. (495) £29 15s. PURCHAS (8.). Purchas, his Pilgrim. Microcosmus, or the Historie of Man. Lond., 1619. 12mo. Mor., g.e., Deane, Mar., '98. (2928) $8.50. Mor., g.e. (Deane copy), Libbie, June 4, '01. (1035) $6.25. Purchas, his Pilgrim. Microcos- mus. Lond., 1628. Svo. Mor., g.e. (portrait inserted). Bangs, Mar. 20, '95. (214) $9. Purchas, his Pilgrimage. Lond., 1613. Fol. Cf., Phillipps, Jan., '89. (1331) £1 3s. Hf. mor. (lacking 2 leaves of the Epistle), Baker, Feb., '91. (221) $21. Cf. (rebacked, corner of title torn, some leaves stained), Bangs, June 10, '95. (124) $5.50. Cf., Bangs, June 1, '96. (267) $13. Cf., Soth., Apr. 2, '98. (126) £1 4s. Purchas, His Pilgrimage. Lond., 1614. Fol. Cf., Pollock, Jan., '89. (1737) £118s. Cf., Bangs, Feb. 26, '97. (282) $6.50. Cf., Bangs, Jan. 10, '98.. (712) $5. Purchas, his Pilgrimage. Lond., 1617. Fol. Cf., Cooke, Dec, '83. (2096) $6.50. Cf., Hance, Aug., '87. (338) £lls. Cf., Bangs, Dec. 15, '96. (234) $5.25. Orig. pigskin (title mended), Sherman, Jan., '98. (876) $5. Cf., Pratt, Apr., '99. (2102) $9. Hf. sheep (title mounted and stained). Bangs, Mar. 11, '01. (352) $16. Hakluytus Posthumus, or Pur- chas, his Pilgrimes. Lond., 1625-26. 5 vols., fol. Rus., g.e.. Rice, Mar., '70. (1828) $375. Mor., Griswold, Mar., '76. (660) $800. Purchas (S.) — Continued. Mor., g.e. (Sobolewski copv), Menzies, Nov., '76. (1649) $425. Mor., g.e. (Menzies copy), Cooke, Dec, '83. $415. Rus., g.e. (Duke of York's copy), Mur- phy, Mar., '84. (2080) $265." Old cf., Thorold, Dec, '84. (1663) £79. Mor., Ellis, Nov., '85 (2480) £51. Mor., g.e. (in 6 vols.). Price, Julv, '87. (41) £73. Mor., Kennedy, Apr., '89. (609) $475. Mor., g.e.. Barlow, Feb., '90. (2050) $325. Mor., g.e. (lacking "Imprimatur" at end of Vol. 2), Sullivan, June, '90. (5146) £56. Cf., g.e.. Wood, Mar., '91. (882) £40. Rus., g.e., Ives, Mar., '91. (825) $450. Putt., Dec. 16, '91. (640) £42 10s. Mor., Soth., May 13, '92. (1255) £45. Mor., g.e. (engraved title in facs.), Comyn, Mar., '93. (374) £27 10s. Mor., g.e., Toovev, Feb., '94. (2811) £51. Cf. (engraved title and colophon in Vol. 2 in facs.), Putt., Feb. 7, '95. (569) £15. Rus., g.e. (George Bancroft's copy), Lenox Library Duplicates, Apr., '95. (5053) $350. Old cf. (lacking engraved title, several leaves mended). Young, Dec, '95. (925) £28 10s. Cf. (lacking engraved title to Vol. 1, some leaves mended), Childe, Julv, '96. (258, 259) £16 15s. Mor., g.e. (engraved title dated 1624), Coleridge, May, '96. (1315) £67. Rus., g.e., Ashburnham, Mav, '98. (3094) £78. Rus., m.e. (title of Vol. 2 slightly de- fective, a few leaves foxed), Wll- braham, June, '98. (626) £45. Mor., g.e., Probasco, Jan., '99. (1322) $375. Orig. vel. (Dedication to Charles I. in Vol. 5, 1 leaf, lacking), Bathurst, July, 1900. (121) £78. Rus., Eraser, Apr., '01. (1359) £58. Orig. vel., Edwardes, May, '01. (616) £100. Old cf. (broken, lacking engraved title; T. Nash's copy), Soth., July 1, '01. (457) £29 10s. Mor., g.e. (engraved title remargined), Ellis, Nov., '01. (113) £53.