Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 3.djvu/55

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LIBRI 45 LIGHTFOOT Libri (G.) — Continued. Hf. mor. (with Supplement, 1864), Quaile, May, '01. (195) £3. Hf. mor. (with Supplement, 1864; presentation copy), Gennadius, Mar., '95. (1853) £3 18s. Monumenti Inedits. Lond., 1864. 65 colored plates. Fol. Hf. mor., g.e., Putt, Feb. 7. '95. (303) £3 5s. Hf. mor. (rubbed), Matthews, Feb., '97. (511) $12. In portfolio. Bangs, Feb. 20, 1900. (571) $7. Hf. mor., Libbie, Dec. 5, '01. (797) $10. LIBRO DA COMPAGNIA O VERO di fraternita di battuti. Florence, L. de Morgianis et J. de Maguntia, 1493. 4to. Vel. (slightly stained), Soth., July 17, '01. (573) £70. LIBRO DEL M/ESTRO E DEL DIS- cipulo, etc. Venice. M. de Monte- ferrato de Sustrevio, 1495. 4to. Hf. bd., Soth., July 17, '01. (572) £61. LICHTENBERGER (J.). Haec Prac- tica narrat de presenti ano et se- quentibus quamplurimis annis de novis raris et inauditis rebus et ges- tis que futura sunt in hoc mundo. Strasburg, 1499. 4to. (Lacking 1 leaf), Soth., Apr. 12, '99. (404) £2 4s. Prognosticatio. Mainz, 1492. Fol. Mor., g.e., Leigh, Dec, '89. (1380) £4 15s. Prognosticatio. Cologne, 1526. 4to. Mor., g.e. (rebacked; the Grolier copy), Craig, Mar., '88. (2931) £78. LICIA, OR POEMS OF LOVE. N.p., 1593. 4to. Rus., Corser, July, '70. (303) £32 10s. LIECHTENSTEIN (Princess Ma- rie). Holland House. Lond., 1874. 2 vols., 8vo. Cosier, June, '87. (31) £18s. Hf. mor., Shuter, Nov., '91. (452) £2. Hf. cf., Carruth, May, '98. (640) $8. Hf. mor., Bangs, Apr. 3, '99. (241) $6.75. Hf. mor., Cox, Apr., '99. (614) $10.50. Liechtenstein — Continued. Hf. mor., Waller, Dec, 1900. (178) £2 2s. Hf. mor.. White, Feb., '01. (512) $6.40. CI., Weeks, Mar., '02. (103) $5.40. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Mav 8, '02. (476) $6.40.

    • Large paper.

Hf. mor., Shaw, Nov., '87. (176) £3 1Ss. Hf. mor., Christie, July 23, '89. (525) £3. Hf. mor., Alexander, Mar., '95. (3063) $12.50. Hf. mor., Henkels, Mar. 10, '97. (251) $9.50. Hf. mor., Rogers, Nov., '98. (339) $12.50. LIFE. N. Y., v.d. 4to. 1883-98, 32 vols., hf. bd., Daly, Mar., 1900. (2127) $64. 1883-95, 24 vols., hf. mor. and 2 Nos., Bangs, June 7, '97. (567) $58.50. 1883-94 24 vols., hf. mor., Richmond, Feb., '99. (709) $84. 1884-1900, 34 vols, in 17, hf. mor., Lib- bie, Mar. 18, '02. (805) $36.12. LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF OLI- ver Twiss. Lond., E. Lloyd, n.d. 8vo. Mor., g.t., unc, Mackenzie, Mar., '89. (661) £2 2s. Hf. mor., g.t., unc (one of the origi- nal paper covers bound in), Bur- nett, Apr., '89. (242) £2 10s. Cf., g.t.. Burgess, May, '94. (308) £110s. Cf., g.e., Clark, Apr., '95. (145) £1 2s. Cf., g.t., unc. (one of the original cov- ers bound in), Soth., Apr. 30, 1900. (117) £118s. LIGHT (CAPT. HENRY). Sicilian Scenery. Lond., 1821. Fol.

    • Largest paper.

Mor., g.e., Craig, June. '87. (1567) £1. Mor., g.e., Hill, Dec, '92. (175) £18s. LIGHTFOOT (J.). Works. Edited by J. R. Pitman. Lond., 1825. 13 vols., 8vo. Cf., m.e., Southby, Dec, '90. (34) £llls. Cf., g.e., Hawkins, Mar., '95. (371) £1.