Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 4.djvu/205

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SMITH 195 SMITH Smith (William) — Coiit tinted. graving by Revere inserted), Brin- ley, Apr., '81. (5506) $63. Orig. lif. bdg. (name of Earl of Moira written on map which was slightly torn), Brinley, Apr., '81. (5507) $15.50. An Historical Account of the Ex- pedition against the Ohio Indians. Lond., 17C6. 4to. Hf. mor., g.t., unc. Rice, Mar., '70. (2095) $13. Field, May, '75. (2198) $18. Hf. mor., Griswold, Mar., '76. (789) $13. Mor., g.t., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (ISGS) $30. Cf., O'Callaghan, Dec, '82. (347) $15. Mor., g.t., unc, Cooke, Dec, 'S3. (2319) $21. Hf. cf. (portrait inserted), Murphy, Mar., '84. (307) $14.50. Cf., g.t., unc. Barlow, Feb., '90. (2316) $55. Unbd., Young, Dec, '95. (148) £1 19s. Hf. mor.. Bangs, Feb. 10, '97. (66) $20. Hf. mor., Betts, Apr., '01. (140) $17. Mor., g.e., Soth., July 3, '99. (1354) £3 8s Polock, Mar., '04. (109) $36. Cf. (manuscript signed by Bouquet in- serted), Brinley, Apr., '81. (5508) $12.50. Historical Account of the Expedi- tion against the Ohio Indians. Dub- lin, 1769. 12mo. Cf., Brinlev, Apr., '81. (5510) $10. Cf., unc, Hart, Apr., '90. (2247) $7.25. Relation Historique de I'Expedi- tion contre les Indiens de I'Ohio en 1764. Trans, by Dumas. Amster- dam, 1769. Svo. Hf. mor., g.t., unc, Brinley, Apr., '81. (5511) $5. Hf. vel., Henkels, Oct. 21, '96. (89) $14.50. Bds., unc, Bangs, Jan. 11, '01. (7) $5. Bds., Bangs, Apr. 22, '01. (25) $3.12. Oration in Memory of General Montgomery and of the Officers and Soldiers who fell before Quebec, Dec 31, 1775. Phila., 1776. 16mo._ Paper, unc. (piece torn from margin of last few leaves), Conland, Jan., '04. (595) $5.25. Smith (William) — Continued. Poem on Visiting the Academy of Philadelphia. Phila., 1753. Fol. Unbd., Randall and Shreve, Oct., '01. (305) $42.50. Sermon in Christ Church, Phila- delphia, before the INIasons. Phila., [1755]. 4to. Brinley, Mar., 'SO. (4327) $7.50. Sermon on the Present Situation of American Affairs. Lond., u.d. Svo. Cf., g.e. (presentation copy to Col. Cadwallader), Hart, Apr., '90. (2248) $10. SMITH (WILLIAM). History of Can- ada. Quebec, 1815. 2 vols., Svo. Mor., g.t., unc, Menzies, Nov., '76. (1871) $39. Mor., g.t., unc. (Menzies copy), Cooke, Dec, '83. (2318) $42. Cf., g.t., unc, Murphy, Mar., '84. (2323) $20. Hf. roan. Hart, Apr., '90. (2250) $18. Hf. cf. (rubbed), Chittenden, Jan., '94. (1103) $27. Hf. roan, Lindsey, Mar., '95. (602) $12. Cf., g.t., unc. (name scratched from titles), Lincoln, Oct., '01. (1442) $40. SMITH (WILLIAM). Synopsis of British Diatomacese. Lond., 1S53-6. 2 vols., Svo. CI., Putt., Jan. 19, '87. (632) £7 5s. Leigh, Dec, '89. (335) £4 6s. Mor., g.e. (in 1 vol.), Hartree, July, '90. (2097) £4. Soth., Mar. 18, '98. (46) £2 2s. Hf. cf. (plates spotted), Morris, Dec, '99. (477) £16s. CI., Hodgson, Feb. 22, 1900. (783) £1 18s. Unc, Barber, Apr., 1900. (115) £2 4s. Waller, Dec, 1900. (119) £llls. SMITH (WILLIAM). Old Yorkshire. Lond., 1881-84. 5 vols., Svo. CI., g.t, Hirst, Dec, '87. (2800) £1 lis. CI., Lockhart, Feb., '89. (279) £2 15s.

    • Large paper.

CI., g.t., Stansfield, June, '98. (863) £2 2s. Wood, Oct.. '89. (434) £2 14s. Soth., Jan. 14, '95. (318) £lSs.