Page:Livingston, Auction Prices of Books, 1905, Volume 4.djvu/93

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SCOTT 83 SCOTT Scott (Reginald) — Contimied.

    • Large paper.

Mor., g.e. (manuscript notes in mar- gins, the Utterson copy), Ashburn- ham. May, '98. (3340) £52. Discovery of Witclicraft. Lond., 1651. Svo. Hf. cf. (1 leaf defective), Hockley, Apr., 'S7. (278) £3 5s. Cf., g.e., Aylesford, Mar., '88. (1634) £3 5s. Cf. (title imperfect) Perkins, July, '89. (1640) £2 18s. Mor., g.e.. Young, June, '90. (725) £3 15s. Mor., g.e., Hennessy, July, '93. (1507) £2. Mor.,' g.e.. Ford, May, '02. (467) £11. Discovery of Witchcraft. Lond., 1654. 4to. Unbd., Sotb., May 21, 1900. (884) £3 18s Cf., r.e., Soth., Mar. 22, '01. (247) £2 4s. Discovery of Witchcraft. Lond., 1665. Fol. Mor., Yoimg, June, '90. (726) £3 15s. Cf., Livermore, Nov., '94. (2106) $26. Cf., Bateman, July '96. (103) £2. Cf. (rebacked), Richmond, Apr., '99. (2428) $10.75. Hf. cf. (broken), Henkels, Jan. 18, '01. (257) $23. Discoverie of Witchcraft. Lond., 1886. 4to. Lyon, Apr., '87. (453) £llls. Young, .June, '90. (727) £13s. Hf. bd., g.t., Barclay, Nov., '92. (932) £16s. Vel., unc, Ditchfield, Apr., '93. (794) £13s. Unc, Soth., May 8, '99. (1653) £1 Is.

    • Large paper.

Vel., unc. Walker, May, '93. (1053) £1 3s. Perfite Platform of a Hoppe Gar- den. Lond., 1576. 4to. Cf., Fuller Russell, June, '85. (1043) £10 15s. Mor., g.e. (with leaf Ai), Ellis, Oct., '02. (2244) £6 5s. Perfite Platform of a Hoppe Gar- den. Lend., 1578. 4to. Unbd.. Roupell, July, '87. (257) £1 10s. Cf., g.e., Turner, Nov., '88. (3779) £5 18s. Scott (Reginald) — Continued. Hf. bd. (lacking blank leaf), Gardner, July, '97. (264) £3 15s. Hf. bd. (lacking blank leaf), Soth., Mar. 21, '98. (801) £116s. Hf. bd., Soth., Nov. 2, '99. (808) £4 4s. Hf. bd. (lacking 4 leaves), Davis, Nov., 1900. (282) £2. Cf., g.e.. Ford, May, '04. (614) £5. SCOTT (ROIVIOALDUS). Summarium Rationum quibus Cancellarius An- gliae persuaserunt occidendam esse Mariam Stuartam. Cologne, 1627. 8vo. Mor., g.e., Rigge, Jan., '92. (593) £1 8s. Mor., g.e., Hawley, July, '94. (423) £1. SCOTT (SAIVIUEL). Comes Amoris. Lond., 1687. Fol. Hf. bd., Bools, June, '03. (1418) £3. SCOTT (TEIVIPLE). Book Sales. Lond., v.d. 8vo. 1896-99, 4 vols., cl.. Bangs, Sept. 27, 1900. (53) $7.50. 1896-99, 4 vols., cl.. Bangs, Oct. 19, 1900. (31d) $12.40. 1896-99, 4 vols., cl.. Bangs, Apr. 8, '01. (38) $21. 1896-99, 4 vols., cl., Lincoln, Oct., '01. (100) $8. Vols. 2-4, 1897-99, 3 vols., cl., Libbie, Feb. 8, 1900. (94) $9.75. SCOTT (THOMAS). Philomythie and other Pieces. Lond., 1610. Svo. Rus., g.e. (headlines cut into), Soth., Dec. 10, '88. (472) £13s. Mor., g.e. (title mounted, headlines cut into), Wilson, Mar., '90. (145) £117s. Mor., g.e., Gaisford, Apr., '90. (1718) £2 16s. Cf. (some leaves mended) Sewell, Jan., '97. (3356) $11.50. Mor., g.e. (marginal notes on 1 leaf cut close), Soth., May 21, '97. (165) £4. Rus., g.e. (headlines and notes cut in- to), Soth., Dec. 2, '01. (12SS) £2 8s. SCOTT (THOMAS). Vox Popuii, or, Newes from Spayne. N.p., 1620. 4to. Sewed, Anderson, Mar. 31, '04. (515) $7. SCOTT (THOMAS). Mock Marriage. Lond., 1696. 4to. Bds. (some leaves stained and a few