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The second clause of the seventh paragraph commencing with the words: "As a temporary arrangement" is suppressed.

Paragraph 14 will hereafter read as follows:

4th. Lastly, to packets of commercial papers and prints of all kinds the weight of which exceeds 2 kilogrammes or the dimensions of which in any direction exceed 45 centimeters.


There is inserted between articles 5 and 6 anew article reading as follows:

Article 5 bis

The sender of an article of correspondence may cause it to be withdrawn from the service, or cause the address to be changed, as long as this article has not been delivered to the addressee.

The request to be formulated for this purpose is transmitted by mail or by telegraph, at the expense of the sender, who has to pay:

  • 1st for every request by mail, the rate applicable to a single registered letter;
  • 2d for every request by telegraph, the charge for the telegram according to the ordinary rates.

The provisions of this article are not compulsory in countries, the legislation of which does not allow the sender to dispose of an article in course of transportation.


The last 5 paragraphs of article 6, after the words: "In case of the loss of a registered article," &c., are suppressed, and, after said article, a new article is added reading as follows:

Article 6 bis

In case of the loss of a registered article, and except in case of force majeure, the sender, or at his request, the addressee, is entitled to an indemnity of 50 francs.

The obligation to pay the indemnity is incumbent on the Administration under which the despatching office belongs. This Administration has the right to make a reclamation on the responsible administration, that is to say, on the Administration within whose territory or in whose service the loss has occurred.

Until the contrary is proved, the responsibility rests with the Administration which, after having received the article without making any remark, can not prove either its delivery to the addressee, or its regular transmission to the next Administration.