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The first paragraph of Article 15 is worded as follows:

The present Convention involves no alteration in the legislation of any country as regards anything which is not provided for by the stipulations contained in this Convention.


Article 17 is modified as follows:

Article 17

In case of disagreement between two or more members of the Union, as to the interpretation of the present Convention, or as to the responsibility of an Administration in case of the loss of a registered article, the the question in dispute is decided by arbitration. To that end, each of the Administrations concerned chooses another member of the Union not directly interested in the matter.

The decision of the arbitrators is given by the absolute majority of the votes.

In case the votes are equally divided, the arbitrators choose, in order to settle the difference, another Administration equally disinterested in the disputed question.

The provisions of the present article apply likewise to all the Agreements concluded in virtue of Article 13 of the Convention of June 1, 1878, modified by Article 1, Number IX, of the present Additional Act.


The 2nd and 3d paragraphs of Article 20 will hereafter read as follows:

  • 1st. Unanimity of votes, if they involve a modification of the stipulations of the present article, or of articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 bis, 6, 6 bis, 9, and 9 bis preceding;
  • 2nd. Two-thirds of the votes, if they involve a modification of the stipulations of the Convention other than those of articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 bis, 6, 6 bis, 9, 9 bis, and 20;

Article 2

  • 1.—The present Additional Act will take effect on the 1st of April 1886, and will remain in force for the same period as the Convention concluded at Paris on the 1st of June, 1878.
  • 2.—It shall be ratified as soon as possible. The Acts of ratification shall be exchanged at Lisbon.