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hereby disclaims any intention, in ratifying this treaty, to indicate any interest whatsoever in the possessions or protectorates established or claimed on that continent by the other Powers, or any approval of the wisdom, expediency or lawfulness thereof, and does not join in any expressions in the said General Act which might be construed as such a declaration or acknowledgment; and, for this reason, that it is desirable that a copy of this resolution be inserted in the protocol to be drawn up at the time of the exchange of ratifications of this treaty on the part of the United States.

This resolution of the Senate of the United States having been preparatively and textually conveyed by the Government of His Majesty the King of the Belgians to the knowledge of all the signatory Powers of the General Act, the latter have given their assent to its insertion in the present Protocol which will remain annexed to the Protocol of January 2nd, 1892.

Acknowledgment of this is given to the Minister of the United States.

The ratifications of the President of the United States having been found in good and due form, acknowledgment of their deposit is equally given to His Excellency Mr. Edwin H. Terrell; they will be preserved in the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belgium.

At the moment of proceeding to the signature of the present Protocol, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of his Majesty the King of the Belgians made it known that the Representative of Russia, in the note expressing the assent of his Government, expressed the opinion that it would have been desirable that a translation into the French language accompany in the Protocol the English text of the resolutions of the Senate of the United States of America and that at all events the absence of this translation is not to form a precedent.

A certified copy of the present Protocol will be addressed by the Belgian Government to the signatory Powers of the General Act.

Done at Brussels, February 2nd, 1892.

The Minister
of Foreign Affairs

The Prince de Chimay

The Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary of the United
States of America

Edwin H. Terrell

Protocol of Portuguese Deposit of Ratification



recording the deposit of the ratifications by His Majesty the King of Portugal and the Algarves of the General Act and the Declaration of July 2, 1890

On March 30, 1892, in accordance with Article XCIX of the General Act of July 2, 1890 and the unanimous decision of the Powers which extended to April 2, 1892 for Portugal the time limit specified in that article,