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  • Protocol signed at Bern June 13, 1891
  • Entered into force June 13, 1891
  • Terminated July 21, 1900, upon fulfillment of its terms[1]

Treaty Series 386



The President of the Swiss Confederation having notified the Governments of Great Britain, the United States of North America and Portugal that the Swiss Federal Council had taken into consideration the request made by those Governments that it be pleased to appoint three lawyers, selected among those of the greatest distinction, to constitute an Arbitration Tribunal charged with fixing the amount of the indemnity due by Portugal to the claimants of the other two countries on account of the rescission of the concession of the Lourenço Marques Railroad, and of the taking possession of that railroad by the Portuguese Government, the Undersigned, Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary of Great Britain, the United States of North America, and Portugal, accredited near the Swiss Confederation, duly authorized by their respective Governments, have agreed to the following:

Article 1

The mandate which the three Governments have agreed to refer to the Arbitration Tribunal is, to fix, as it shall deem most just, the amount of the compensation due by the Portuguese Government to the claimants of the other two countries, in consequence of the rescission of the concession of the Lourenço Marques Railroad, and the taking possession of that railroad by the Portuguese Government, and thereby to settle the controversy existing between the three Governments on the subject.

  1. Decision and final award of the Delagoa Bay court of arbitration were signed by the arbitrators Mar. 29, 1900 (1900 For. Rel. 903); the Portuguese Government paid the indemnity due the claimants on July 21, 1900, with interest from June 25, 1889, to July 21, 1900, in accordance with terms of the award (1900 For. Rel. 845; John Bassett Moore, A Digest of International Law, vol. VI, p. 649).