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  • For Denmark:
    • F. Bille[seal]
  • For Spain:
    • Ei. Duque de Tetuan[seal]
    • W. R. de Villa Urrutia[seal]
    • Arturo de Baguer[seal]
  • For the United States of America:
    • Andrew D. White[seal]
    • Seth Low[seal]
    • Stanford Newel[seal]
    • A. T. Mahan[seal]
    • William Crozier[seal]
  • Under reserve of the declaration made at the plenary sitting of the Conference on the 25th of July, 1899.[1]
  • For the United Mexican States:
    • A. de Mier[seal]
    • J. Zenil[seal]
  • For France:
    • Léon Bourgeois[seal]
    • G. Bihourd[seal]
    • d'Estournelles de Constant[seal]
  • For Great Britain and Ireland:
    • Pauncefote[seal]
    • Henry Howard[seal]
  • For Greece
    • N. Delyanni[seal]
  • For Italy:
    • Nigra[seal]
    • A. Zannini[seal]
    • G. Pompilj[seal]
  • For Japan:
    • I. Motono[seal]
  • For Luxemburg:
    • Eyschen[seal]
  • For Montenegro:
    • Staal[seal]
  • For the Netherlands:
    • v. Karnebeek[seal]
    • den Beer Poortugael[seal]
    • T. M. C. Asser[seal]
    • E. N. Rahusen[seal]
  • For Persia:
    • Mirza Riza Khan, Arfa-ud-Dovleh[seal]
  • For Portugal:
    • Conde de Macedo[seal]
    • Agostinho d'Ornellas de Vasconcellos[seal]
    • Conde de Selir[seal]
  • For Roumania:
    • A. Beldiman[seal]
    • J. N. Papiniu[seal]
  • Under the reserves formulated in Articles 16, 17 and 19 of the present Convention (15, 16 and 18 of the project presented by the Committee on Examination) and recorded in the procès-verbal of the sitting of the Third Commission of July 20, 1899.[2]

    willing to adhere to these conventions or to one of them. Several members of the United Nations responded to the invitation.

  1. Text of U.S. reservation (maintained at ratification):

    "Nothing contained in this convention shall be so construed as to require the United States of America to depart from its traditional policy of not intruding upon, interfering with, or entangling itself in the political questions of policy or internal administration of any foreign state; nor shall anything contained in the said convention be construed to imply a relinquishment by the United States of America of its traditional attitude toward purely American questions."

  2. Text (translation) of Romanian reservations (maintained at ratification):

    "The Royal Government of Roumania, being completely in favor of the principle of facultative arbitration, of which it appreciates the great importance in international relations, nevertheless does not intend to undertake, by Article 15 [art. 16 of convention], an engagement to accept arbitration in every case there provided for, and it believes it ought to form express reservations in that respect.

    "It can not therefore vote for this article, except under that reservation.

    "The Royal Government of Roumania declares that it can not adhere to Article 16 [art. 17 of convention] except with the express reservation, entered in the procès-verbal, that it has decided not to accept, in any case, an international arbitration for disagreements or disputes previous to the conclusion of the present Convention.

    "The Royal Government of Roumania declares that in adhering to Article 18 [art. 19] of the Convention, it makes no engagement in regard to obligatory arbitration."