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house at Cape Spartel, consents to devolve, throughout the duration of the present convention, the superior direction and administration of this establishment on the representatives of the contracting Powers. It is well understood that this delegation does not import any encroachment on the rights, proprietary and of sovereignty, of the Sultan, whose flag alone shall be hoisted on the tower of the Pharos.

Article 2

The Government of Morocco not at this time having any marine, either of war or commerce, the expenses necessary for upholding and managing the light-house shall be borne by the contracting Powers by means of an annual contribution, the quota of which shall be alike for all of them. If, hereafter, the Sultan should have a naval or commercial marine, he binds himself to take share in the expenses in like proportion with the other subscribing Powers. The expenses of repairs, and in need of reconstruction, shall also be at his cost.

Article 3

The Sultan will furnish for security of the light-house a guard, composed of a Kaid and four soldiers. He engages, besides, to provide for, by all the means in his power, in case of war, whether internal or external, the preservation of this establishment, as well as for the safety of the keepers and persons employed. On the other part, the contracting Powers bind themselves, each so far as concerned, to respect the neutrality of the light-house, and to continue the payment of the contribution intended to uphold it, even in case (which God forbid) hostilities should break out either between them or between one of them and the Empire of Morocco.

Article 4

The representatives of the contracting Powers, charged in virtue of Article 1 of the present convention, with the superior direction and management of the light-house, shall establish the necessary regulations for the service and superintendence of this establishment, and no modification shall be afterward applied to these articles, except by common agreement between the contracting Powers.

Article 5

The present convention shall continue in force for ten years. In case, within six months of the expiration of this term, none of the high contracting parties should, by official declaration, have made known its purpose to bring to a close, so far as may concern it, the effects of this convention, it shall continue in force for one year more, and so from year to year, until due notice.

Article 6

The execution of the reciprocal engagements contained in the present convention is subordinated, so far as needful, to the accomplishment of the