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  • Convention signed at México January 27, 1902
  • Senate advice and consent to ratification May 16, 1902
  • Ratified by the President of the United States June 23, 1902
  • Signatory governments informed of ratification by the United States July 16, 1902
  • Entered into force August 20, 1902[1]

Treaty Series 491-A

Convention Relative to the Exchange of Official, Scientific, Literary and Industrial Publications

Their Excellencies the Presidents of the Argentine Republic, Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chili, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, the United States of America, Guatemala, Hayti, Honduras, the United Mexician States, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay,

Desiring that their respective countries should be represented at the Second International American Conference, sent thereto duly authorized to approve the recommendations, resolutions, conventions and treaties that they might deem convenient for the interests of America, the following Delegates:

For the Argentine Republic.—His Excellency Antonio Bermejo, His Excellency Martin Garcia Mérou, His Excellency Lorenzo Anadon.

For Bolivia.—His Excellency Fernando E. Guachalla.

For Colombia.—His Excellency Carlos Martinez Silva, His Excellency General Rafael Reyes.

For Costa Rica.—His Excellency Joaquin Bernardo Calvo.

For Chili.—His Excellency Alberto Blest Gana, His Excellency Emilio Bello Codecido, His Excellency Joaquin Walker Martinez, His Excellency Augusto Matte.

For the Dominican Republic.—His Excellency Federico Henriquez y Caravajal, His Excellency Luis Felipe Carbo, His Excellency Quintin Gutierrez.

For Ecuador.—His Excellency Luis Felipe Carbo.

  1. Date of notification of second ratification.