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of the International Convention of July 29th 1899, also decide how, when and by whom the costs of this Arbitration shall be paid.

Article VI

Any nation having claims against Venezuela may join as a party in the Arbitration provided for by this Agreement.

Washington D.C. May 7, 1903

  • [For Venezuela:]
    • E. Mayor des PlanchesHerbert W. Bowen[seal]
  • [For Italy:]
    • E. Mayor des Planches[seal]

The undersigned nations having claims against Venezuela hereby join with her as parties in the arbitration provided for in the foregoing protocol.

  • For the United States of America
    • John Hay.
  • For the Republic of Mexico
    • [seal]M. de Azpiroz
  • For Sweden and Norway,
    • [seal]May 27, 1903.A. Grip.


The Ambassador of France, duly authorized and acting in the name of his Government, accedes to the above Protocol, subject to the understanding that article IV of the aforementioned protocol will not prevent application of the provision of article 38 of the Hague Convention, under the terms of which the arbitral Tribunal decides on the choice of languages to be used by itself and to be authorized for use before it.

  • June 1, 1903
  • [seal]Jusserand.


The Minister of Belgium, duly authorized and acting in the name of his Government, accedes to the above protocol.

  • June 12, 1903
  • [seal]Bn. Moncheur.


The Minister of the Netherlands, duly authorized and acting in the name of his Government, accedes to the above protocol.

  • Washington, June 13, 1903.
  • [seal]Gevers.