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inated area, unless they are previously disinfected, and 2 to combat the spread of the epidemic.

When an area is contaminated, no restrictive measure shall be taken against arrivals from such area if such arrivals have left it at least five days before the beginning of the epidemic.

Art. 9. In order that an area may be considered as being no longer contaminated, it must be officially ascertained:

1. That there has been neither a death nor a new case of plague or cholera within five days after the isolation,[1] death, or cure of the last plague or cholera patient.

2. That all the measures of disinfection have been applied, and, in the case of plague, that the measures against rats have been executed.

Chapter II. Measures of defense by other countries against territories declared to be contaminated


Art. 10. The government of each country is obliged to immediately publish the measures which it believes necessary to prescribe with regard to arrivals from a contaminated country or territorial area.

It shall at once communicate this publication to the diplomatic or consular officer of the contaminated country residing in its capital, as well as to the international boards of health.

It shall likewise be obliged to make known through the same channels the revocation of these measures or any modifications which may be made therein.

In default of a diplomatic or consular office in the capital, the communications shall be made directly to the government of the country concerned.


Art. 11. No merchandise is capable by itself of transmitting plague or cholera. It only becomes dangerous when contaminated by plague or cholera products.

Art. 12. Disinfection shall only be applied to merchandise and articles which the local health authority considers to be contaminated.

However, the merchandise or articles enumerated below may be subjected to disinfection or even prohibited entry independently of any proof that they are or are not contaminated:

1. Body linen, clothing worn (wearing apparel), and bedding which has been used.

  1. By "isolation" is meant the isolation of the patient, and of the persons attending him permanently, and the prohibition of visits by any other person. [Footnote in original.]