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Art. 134. The rules prescribed for Camaran with regard to food supplies and water shall be applicable to the camps of Abou-Ali, Abou-Saad, and Vasta.

B. Sanitary measures applicable to Mussulman-pilgrim ships hailing from the north and bound toward Hedjaz

Art. 135. If plague or cholera is not known to exist in the port of departure or its neighborhood, and if no case of plague or cholera has occurred during the passage, the vessel shall be immediately granted pratique.

Art. 136. If plague or cholera is known to exist in the port of departure or its vicinity, or if a case of plague or cholera has occurred during the voyage, the vessel shall be subjected at Tor to the rules established for vessels coming from the south and stopping at Camaran. The vessels shall thereupon be granted pratique.


A. Pilgrim ships returning northward

Art. 137. Every vessel bound for Suez or for a Mediterranean port, having on board pilgrims or similar masses of persons, and hailing from a port of Hedjaz or from any other port on the Arabian coast of the Red Sea, must repair to Tor in order to undergo there the observation and the sanitary measures indicated in Articles 141 to 143.

Art. 138. Vessels bringing Mussulman pilgrims back toward the Mediterranean shall pass through the canal in quarantine only.

Art. 139. The agents of navigation companies and captains are warned that, after completing their observation period at the sanitary station of Tor, the Egyptian pilgrims will alone be permitted to leave the vessel permanently in order to return thereupon to their homes.

Only those pilgrims will be recognized as Egyptians or as residents of Egypt who are provided with a certificate of residence issued by an Egyptian authority and conforming to the established model. Samples of this certificate shall be deposited with the consular and health authorities of Djeddah and Yambo, where the agents and captains of vessels can examine them.

Pilgrims other than Egyptians, such as Turks, Russians, Persians, Tunisians, Algerians, Moroccans, etc., can not be landed in an Egyptian port after leaving Tor. Consequently, navigation agents and captains are warned that the transshipment of pilgrims not residents of Egypt at Tor, Suez, Port Said, or Alexandria is forbidden.

Vessels having pilgrims on board who belong to the nationalities mentioned in the foregoing paragraph shall be subject to the rules applicable to these pilgrims and shall not be received in any Egyptian port of the Mediterranean.

Art. 140. Before being granted pratique, Egyptian pilgrims shall undergo an observation of three days and a medical examination at Tor, Souakim, or any other station designated by the Board of Health of Egypt.