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Art. 178. The proceeds from the sanitary taxes and fines shall in no case be employed for objects other than those within the scope of the Boards of Health.

Art. 179. The High Contracting Parties agree to have a set of instructions prepared by their health departments for the purpose of enabling captains of vessels, especially when there is no physician on board, to enforce the provisions contained in the present convention with regard to plague and cholera, as well as the regulations relative to yellow fever.

V. The Persian Gulf

Art. 180. The expenses of construction and maintenance of the sanitary station whose creation at the Island of Ormuz is provided for by Article 81 of the present convention shall be borne by the Superior Board of Health of Constantinople. The mixed committee of revision of the said Board shall meet as soon as possible in order to furnish it, upon its demand, the necessary funds from the available reserves.

VI. An International Health Bureau

Art. 181. The Conference having taken note of the annexed conclusions of its committee on ways and means regarding the creation of an international health bureau at Paris, the French Government shall, when it judges it opportune, submit propositions to this effect through diplomatic channels to the nations represented at the Conference.[1]

Title V. Yellow Fever

Art. 182. It is recommended that the countries interested modify their sanitary regulations so as to bring them into accord with the latest scientific data regarding the mode of transmission of yellow fever, and especially regarding the part played by mosquitoes as vehicles of the germs of the disease.

Title VI. Adhesions and ratifications

Art. 183. The governments which have not signed the present convention shall be permitted to adhere thereto upon request. Notice of this adhesion shall be given through diplomatic channels to the Government of the French Republic and by the latter to the other signatory governments.

Art. 184. The present convention shall be ratified and the ratifications thereof deposited at Paris as soon as possible.

    ernments might have recourse, and it was of opinion that, in case they were not used by the health department itself, the latter ought to supervise each operation and ascertain that the rats have been destroyed. [Footnote in original.]

  1. An International Office of Public Health was organized by arrangement of Dec. 9, 1907 (TS 511), post, p. 742.