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Annex I

(See art. 78.)

Regulations Concerning the Passage, in Quarantine Trains Through Egyptian Territory, of Travelers and Mail Bags Coming From Contaminated Countries

Art. 1. If an Egyptian Railroad Administration desires a quarantine train to connect with vessels arriving from contaminated ports, it shall notify the local quarantine authority at least two hours before departure.

Art. 2. The passengers shall land at the place indicated by the quarantine authority, with the consent of the Railroad Administration and the Egyptian Government, and shall pass directly and without any communication from the vessel to the train, under the supervision of a transit officer and of two or more sanitary guards.

Art. 3. The personal effects, baggage, etc., of the passengers shall be transported in quarantine with the means at the disposal of the vessel.

Art. 4. The agents of the railroad shall be obliged to obey the orders of the transit officer as regards the quarantine measures.

Art. 5. The cars assigned to this service shall be longitudinal-aisle cars. A sanitary guard shall be placed in each car and shall have supervision over the passengers. The agents of the railroad shall have no communication with the passengers.

A physician of the quarantine service shall accompany the train.

Art. 6. The heavy baggage of the passengers shall be placed in a special car to be sealed at the departure of the train by the transit officer. Upon arrival, the seals shall be withdrawn by the transit officer.

Any transshipment or embarkation during the trip shall be prohibited.

Art. 7. The closets shall be provided with cans containing a certain quantity of antiseptic for receiving the dejections of the passengers.

Art. 8. The platforms of the stations where the train is obliged to stop shall be completely vacated, except by such agents of the service as are absolutely indispensable.

Art. 9. Each train may have a dining car. The leavings of the tables shall be destroyed. The employees of this car as well as the other employees of the railroad who have for any reason come in contact with the passengers shall be subjected to the same treatment as the pilots and electricians at Port Said and Suez or to such measures as the Board may deem necessary.

Art. 10. The passengers shall be absolutely prohibited from throwing anything out of the windows, doors, etc.

Art. 11. In each train an infirmary compartment shall remain empty in