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  • Francis Robert, Count of Martens Ferrao, Peer of the Kingdom, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to Morocco.
  • His Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias:
  • Arthur, Count Cassini, His Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to His Catholic Majesty, and
  • Mr. Basile de Bacheracht, His Minister to Morocco.
  • His Majesty the King of Sweden:
  • Mr. Robert Sager, His Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to His Catholic Majesty and His Very Faithful Majesty.

Who, furnished with full powers, which were found in good and due form, have, in conformity with the programme upon which His Shereefian Majesty and the powers have agreed, successively discussed and adopted:

  • I. A declaration relative to the organization of the police.
  • II. A regulation concerning the detection and repression of the contraband of arms.
  • III. An act of concession for a Moroccan State Bank.
  • IV. A declaration concerning a better return of taxes, and the creation of new revenues.
  • V. A regulation concerning the customs of the Empire and the repression of fraud and smuggling.
  • VI. A declaration relative to public services and public works.

And having decided that these different documents might usefully be coordinated in a single instrument, they have united them in a general act composed of the following articles:

Chapter I

Declaration relative to the organization of the police

Article 1. The conference summoned by His Majesty the Sultan to pronounce on the measures necessary to organize the police declares that the following provisions should be made:

Art. 2. The police shall be under the sovereign authority of His Majesty the Sultan. It shall be recruited by the Maghzen from Moorish Mohammedans, commanded by Moorish Kakis, and distributed in the eight ports open to commerce.

Art. 3. In order to aid the Sultan in the organization of this police, Spanish officers and noncommissioned officers as instructors, and French officers and noncommissioned officers as instructors, shall be placed at His disposal by their respective Governments, which shall submit their designation to the approval of His Shereefian Majesty. A contract drawn between the Maghzen and these instructors, in conformity to the regulation provided by article 4, shall deter-