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that in case of conflict between their provisions and those of the present General Act, the stipulations of the latter shall prevail.

In faith whereof, the Delegates Plenipotentiary have signed the present General Act and have affixed their seals thereto.

Done at Algeciras this seventh day of April, one thousand nine hundred and six, in a single copy, which shall remain deposited in the archives of the Government of His Catholic Majesty, and of which certified copies shall be transmitted through the diplomatic channel to the Signatory Powers.

  • For Germany:
  • For Austria-Hungary:
  • For Belgium:
    Comte Conrad de Buisseret[seal]
  • For Spain:
    El Duque de Almodóvar del Río[seal]
    J. Pérez-Caballero[seal]
  • For the United States of America: With reservation of the declaration made in the plenary session of the conference on April 7, 1906.[1]
    Henry White[seal]
    Samuel R. Gummeré[seal]
  • For France:
  • For Great Britain:
    A. Nicolson[seal]
  • For Italy:
    Visconti Venosta[seal]
    G. Malmusi[seal]
  • For Morocco:[2]
  • For the Netherlands:
    H. Testa[seal]
  • For Portugal:
    Conde de Tovar[seal]
    Conde de Martens Ferrão[seal]
  • For Russia:
    Basile Bacheracht[seal]

For Sweden:
Robert Sager[seal]


Additional Protocol

On the point of signing the General Act of the Conference of Algeciras, the delegates of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Spain, the United States of America, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, and Sweden,

Taking into account the declaration of the delegates of Morocco that they were not, for the present, in position to affix their signatures thereto, they being unable, owing to the distance, to receive an early reply from His Shereefian Majesty concerning the points in regard to which they deemed it their duty to refer to Him,

Reciprocally engage, by virtue of their respective full powers, to unite their

  1. For text, see footnote 2, p. 464.
  2. The ratification of the General Act in its entirety by the Sultan of Morocco on June 18, 1906, had the "same force as if the delegates of Morocco had affixed their signatures to the General Act" (see additional protocol).