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3. To supply information on educational matters;

4. To prepare reports on questions assigned to it by resolutions of the International American Conferences;

5. To assist in obtaining the ratification of the resolutions and conventions adopted by the Conferences;

6. To carry into effect all resolutions the execution of which may have been assigned or may hereafter be assigned to it by the International American Conferences;

7. To act as a Permanent Committee of the International American Conferences, recommending topics to be included in the programme of the next Conference; these plans must be communicated to the various Governments forming the Union, at least six months before the date of the meeting of the next Conference;

8. To submit, within the same period, a report to the various Governments on the work of the Bureau during the term covered since the meeting of the last Conference, and also special reports on any matter which may have been referred to it for report;

9. To keep the records of the International American Conferences.

Art. 2. The International Bureau of the American Republics shall be administered by a Governing Board, consisting of the Diplomatic Representatives of all the Governments of said Republics accredited to the Government of the United States of America, and of the Secretary of State of the United States, who will act as Chairman of said Governing Board.

Art. 3. Any diplomatic representative unable to attend the meetings of the Board, may transmit his vote, stating his reasons therefor in writing. Representation by proxy is prohibited.

Art. 4. The Governing Board shall meet in regular session the first Wednesday of every month, excepting in the months of June, July and August, and in special session at the call of the Chairman, issued on his own initiative or at the request of two members of the Board.

The attendance of five members at any ordinary or special session shall be sufficient to permit the Board to proceed with its business.

Art. 5. In the absence of the Secretary of State of the United States, the senior diplomatic representative in Washington, present, shall act as Chairman.

Art. 6. At the regular session to be held in November of this year, the Governing Board shall fix by lot the order of precedence among all the representatives of the American Republics forming the Union, in order to create a Supervisory Committee. The first four on this list and the Secretary of State of the United States, will constitute the first Supervisory Committee, and the four members of the Committee shall be replaced by turn, one every year, so that the Committee will be totally renewed after four years. The outgoing members shall always be replaced by those following on the list, the same method being observed in the event of resignation.