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He shall supervise the proper collection and disbursement of the funds of the Bureau, for which he shall be personally responsible.

He shall also supervise the publication of the Bulletin and other publications of the Bureau.

He shall sign all vouchers, in accordance with the budget or resolutions approved by the Governing Board.

He shall not absent himself except with the permission of the Chairman of the Board.

At the meeting in November, he shall submit an annual report on the activities of the Bureau, its receipts and disbursements, its work and plans, proposing such changes as may, in his opinion, be desirable in order to improve the service and extend the sphere of action of the Bureau.

One week before the May meeting, he shall submit an estimate of expenses for the following year.

In the absence of the Director, his duties shall be discharged temporarily by such employee as the Supervisory Committee may designate.

Art. 5. The positions in the Bureau shall be filled upon examination held in the manner prescribed by the internal regulations.

Transitory Provision

All previous regulations are repealed, excepting those pertaining to the number and duties of the employees and other matters relating to the personnel of said Bureau, which shall be subject to the provisions in force.

Made and signed in the City of Rio de Janeiro, on the seventh day of the month of August nineteen hundred and six, in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and deposited in the Department of Foreign Affairs of the Government of the United States of Brazil, in order that certified copies thereof be made, and forwarded through diplomatic channels to each one of the Signatory States.

  • For Ecuador: Emilio Arévalo, Oledo Alfaro
  • For Paraguay: Manuel Gondra, Arsenio López Decoud, Gualberto Carús y Huerta
  • For Bolivia: Alberto Gutiérrez, Carlos V. Romero
  • For Colombia: Rafael Uribe Uribe, Guillermo Valencia
  • For Honduras: Fausto Dávila
  • For Panamá: José Domingo de Obaldía
  • For Cuba: Gonzalo de Quesada, Rafael Montoro, Antonio González Lanuza
  • For the Dominican Republic: Emilio C. Joubert
  • For Perú: Eugenio Larrabure y Unánue, Antonio Miró Quesada, Mariano Cornejo
  • For El Salvador: Francisco A. Reyes
  • For Costa Rica: Ascensión Esquivel
  • For the United States of Mexico: Francisco León de La Barra, Ricardo Molina-Hübbe, Ricardo García Granados
  • For Guatemala: Antonio Batres Jáuregui