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  • Agreement and procès-verbal of signature signed at Brussels November 29, 1906
  • Entered into force December 29, 1906
  • Terminated by protocol of May 20, 1952[1]

Treaty Series 510


Agreement Respecting the Unification of the Pharmacopœial Formulas for Potent Drugs

The Governments of Germany, Austria and Hungary, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, the United States of America, France, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, Norway, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Servia, Sweden, and Switzerland, having recognized the utility of concluding an Agreement with a view to the unification of the Pharmacopœial formulas for potent drugs on the basis indicated in the Final Protocol signed on the 20th September, 1902, as a result of the Conference held at Brussels,[2] the Undersigned, duly authorized thereto, have agreed upon the following stipulations:

Article 1

The medicinal substances inscribed in the Table given below shall be designated, in the Pharmacopœia published by each of the Contracting Governments, by the Latin names employed in this Table, and shall conform with the directions indicated in the column opposite.

  1. 3 UST 5067; TIAS 2692.
  2. The 1902 conference, composed of delegates from nearly every civilized country, was held for the purpose of formulating standards for potent remedies which would be adopted by the various pharmacopœias of the world and would thus secure the principal object of an international pharmacopœia.