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V. Reservations formulated by the Portuguese Government.—"The Resolutions of the International Conference held at Brussels for the unification of the Pharmacopœial formulas of potent drugs shall be applied in Portugal. Nevertheless, the vernacular Portuguese name of each substance shall appear in the text of the Pharmacopœia, and shall be adopted as the primary denomination; one of the Latin names inscribed in the Table contained in Article 1 of the present Agreement shall be used as the first synonymous denomination."

VI. Reservations formulated by the swedish government.—"1. The denominations of the potent drugs enumerated in the present Agreement, differing entirely from those employed in the Swedish Pharmacopœia, shall not be inscribed in the text itself of that Pharmacopœia, but shall appear in a special supplement to the new issue of the Pharmacopœia which is in course of preparation;

"2. The denomination of the medicinal wine vinum glycyrrhizæ opiatum shall be maintained in Sweden;

"3. As the preparation of tinctures of drugs by percolation involves an increase in the price of these products, this method seems not altogether suitable for employment in a general manner."

At the moment of proceeding to the signature of the present procès-verbal the Undersigned declare themselves in accord in recognizing that the right referred to in the first reservation formulated by the Government of His Britannic Majesty is acquired by all the Signatory Governments.

It is understood that the Contracting Parties which exercise this right will inform each other, reciprocally, through the intermediary of the Belgian Government, of any modifications introduced into the stipulations of the Agreement.

In witness whereof the Undersigned have drawn up the present procès-verbal.

Done at Brussels, the 29th November, 1906, in a single instrument, of which an exact copy shall be delivered to each of the Signatory Governments.

  • For Germany:
    • Graf von Wallwitz
  • For Austria and Hungary:
    • Comte Clary et Aldringen, Minister of Austria-Hungary
  • For Belgium:
    • Favereau
  • For Bulgaria:
    • Dr. Zolotovitz
  • For Denmark:
    • W. Grevenkof Castenkiold
  • For Spain:
    • Arturo de Baguer
  • For the United States of America:
    • Henry Lane Wilson
  • For France:
    • Etienne Ganderax
  • For Great Britain:
    • Arthur H. Hardinge
  • For Greece:
    • A. Charalamby
  • For Italy:
    • Pce Mario Ruspoli de Poggio Suasa
  • For the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg:
    • le Comte d'Ansembourg
  • For Norway:
    • W. Christophersen