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  • 4. For Austria-Hungary: Under reservation of the declaration made in the plenary session of the Conference of August 17, 1907.[1]
    • Mérey
    • Bon Macchio
  • 5. For Belgium:
    • A. Beernaert
    • J. van den Heuvel
    • Guillaume
  • 6. For Bolivia:
    • Claudio Pinilla
  • 7. For Brazil:
    • Ruy Barbosa
    • E. Lisbôa
  • 8. For Bulgaria:
    • Général-Major Vinaroff
    • Iv. Karandjouloff
  • 9. For Chile:
    • Domingo Gana
    • Augusto Matte
    • Carlos Concha
  • 10. For China:
  • 11. For Colombia:
    • Jorge Holguin
    • S. Perez Triana
    • M. Vargas
  • 12. For the Republic of Cuba:
    • Antonio S. de Bustamante
    • Gonzalo de Quesada
    • Manuel Sanguily
  • 13. For Denmark:
    • C. Brun
  • 14. For the Dominican Republic:
    • Dr. Henriquez y Carvajal
    • Apolinar Tejera
  • 15. For Ecuador:
    • Victor M. Rendón
    • E. Dorn y de Alsúa
  • 16. For Spain:
  • 17. For France:
    • Léon Bourgeois
    • d'Estournelles de Constant
    • L. Renault
    • Marcellin Pellet
  • 18. For Great Britain:
    • Edw. Fry
    • Ernest Satow
    • Reay
    • Henry Howard
  • 19. For Greece:
    • Cléon Rizo Rangabé
    • Georges Streit
  • 20. For Guatemala:
    • José Tible Machado
  • 21. For Haiti:
    • Dalbémar Jn Joseph
    • J. N. Léger
    • Pierre Hudicourt
  • 22. For Italy:
    • Pompilj
    • G. Fusinato
  • 23. For Japan: With reservation of Article 44.
    • Aimaro Sato
  • 24. For Luxemburg:
    • Eyschen
    • Cte. de Villers
  • 25. For Mexico:
    • G. A. Esteva
    • S. B. de Mier
    • F. L. de la Barra
  • 26. For Montenegro: Under the reservations formulated as to Article 44 of the regulations annexed to the present Convention and contained in the procès-verbal of the fourth plenary session of August 17, 1907.[2]
    • Nelidow
    • Martens
    • N. Tcharykow

  1. The declaration of Austria-Hungary reads, in translation, as follows: "The delegation of Austria-Hungary having accepted the new Article 22a [The proposed art. 22a became the last paragraph of art. 23.], on condition that Article 44 of the Convention now in force be maintained as it is, can not consent to the Article 44a proposed by the Second Commission."
  2. The reservations of Montenegro read, in translation, as follows: "The delegation of Montenegro has the honor to declare that having accepted the new Article 22a, proposed by the delegation of Germany, in the place of Article 44 of the existing Regulations of 1899, it makes reservations on the subject of new wording of the said Article 44a."