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3. We will inform the representatives appointed by the Great Governments in Apia of the day when the war commences.

Apia 29 May 1879

We are the representatives appointed, the Chiefs of the Taimua of the Government of Samoa.

  • Samoa
  • Letuli
  • Lavea
  • Amoa

Witnesses to signatures and approved by

[SEAL] Th Weber
Imperial German Consul
[SEAL] Robt. S. Swanston
H.B.M. Actg Consul
[SEAL] Thomas M. Dawson
United States Consul

[The U.S. consul stated that the foregoing was agreed to and signed as a separate document at Apia on May 31 by representatives of Malietoa. The May 31 document concluded as follows: "We are the representatives appointed by Manono and the Tuamasaga: Taupau, Teiatauali sa, Mataafa, Tuiatafa." The U.S. consul noted that the May 31 document was also witnessed and approved by the same U.S., British, and German consuls.]