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  • Arrangement and annex signed at Rome December 9, 1907
  • Senate advice and consent to ratification February 10, 1908
  • Ratified by the President of the United States February 15, 1908
  • Ratification of the United States deposited at Rome August 1, 1908
  • Entered into force November 15, 1908[1]
  • Proclaimed by the President of the United States November 17, 1908
  • Terminated by protocol of July 22, 1946,[2] as between contracting parties to the protocol; terminated definitively for the United States November 15, 1950[3]

35 Stat. 2061; Treaty Series 511



The Governments of Belgium, Brazil, Spain, the United States, the French Republic, Great Britain and Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland, and the Government of His Highness the Khedive of Egypt, deeming it expedient to organize the International Office of Public Hygiene, referred to in the Paris Sanitary Convention of December 3, 1903,[4] have resolved to conclude an arrangement to that effect and agreed upon the following:

Article I

The High Contracting Parties engage to found and maintain an International Office of Public Hygiene with headquarters at Paris.

Article II

The Office will perform its functions under the authority and supervision of a Committee composed of delegates of the contracting Governments. The membership and rights and duties of the Committee, as well as the organiza-

  1. Date of closing of procès-verbal of deposit of ratifications, by agreement of the signatory powers.
  2. TIAS 1754, post. The duties and functions of the Office were assumed de facto by the Interim Commission of the World Health Organization as of Jan. 1, 1947, pending official entry into force of the protocol on Oct. 20, 1947.
  3. Pursuant to notice of termination given by the United States Nov. 3, 1949, in accordance with terms of art. 8; termination effective at end of sixth 7-year period.
  4. TS 466, ante, p. 359.