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A procès-verbal of every deposit of ratifications shall be drawn up and a certified copy thereof shall be delivered through the diplomatic channel to each one of the Contracting States.

Art. 7

Should a Contracting State wish to enforce the present Arrangement in one or more of its colonies, possessions or consular court districts, it shall notify its intention to that effect by an instrument which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the French Republic. The said Government shall send through the diplomatic channel a certified copy to each one of the Contracting States and at the same time apprize it of the date of the deposit.

Six months after that date the Arrangement shall go into effect in the colonies, possessions or consular court districts specified in the instrument of notification.

The denunciation of the Arrangement by one of the Contracting States in behalf of one or more of its colonies, possessions or consular court districts will be effected in the form and under the conditions set forth in the first paragraph of this Article. It will become operative twelve months after the date of the deposit of the instrument of denunciation in the archives of the Government of the French Republic.

Art. 8

The present Arrangement which will bear date of May 4, 1910, may be signed at Paris until the following 31st of July by the Plenipotentiaries of the Powers represented at the Conference relative to the repression of the circulation of obscene publications.

Done at Paris, the fourth day of May one thousand nine hundred and ten in a single copy of which a certified copy shall be delivered to each one of signatory Powers.

  • For Germany:
    • Albrecht Lentze[seal]
    • Curt Joël[seal]
  • For Austria and for Hungary:
    • A. Nemes, Chargé d'Affaires of Austria-Hungary[seal]
  • For Austria:
    • J. Eichhoff, Austrian Imperial and Royal Section Counselor[seal]
  • For Hungary:
    • G. Lers, Hungarian Royal Ministerial Counselor[seal]
  • For Belgium:
    • Jules Lejeune[seal]
    • Isidore Maus[seal]
  • For Brazil:
    • J. C. de Souza Bandeira[seal]
  • For Denmark:
    • C. E. Cold[seal]
  • For Spain:
    • Octavio Cuartero[seal]
  • For the United States:
    • A. Bailly-Blanchard[seal]
  • For France:
    • R. Bérenger[seal]